Questions tagged [rfc1034identifier]

2 questions
4 answers

xcode info.plist build variable ${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier} seems completely undocumented?

I'm trying to find documentation that describe the syntax and possibilities suggested by the construction ${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier}. Obviously this turns into some version of the product name, but where is the documentation that describes…
Hack Saw
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2 answers

Should the rfc1034identifier be removed from the CFBundleIdentifier in plist file?

In my Xcode project's plist file, I can see the value for the key CFBundleIdentifier is: com.mycompany.${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier} Obviously I will have to change com.mycompany to the domain name of my company, but I have no idea whether the…
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