Questions tagged [amazon-eks]

Amazon EKS stands for "Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service" It is a part of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and provides a fully managed Kubernetes platform, with the ability to have to have your containers deployed across a EC2 backed solution or as a serverless solution with AWS Fargate.

Amazon EKS - Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service is a managed Kubernetes service.

A good learning resource is EKS Workshop

1703 questions
3 answers

NodePort not working with AWS EKS server endpoint

eks server endpoint is and I've created a yml file with a deployment and service object. [ec2-user@ip-]$ kubectl get svc NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE fakeserver …
1 answer

How do we assign pods properly so that KFServing can scale down GPU Instances to zero?

I'm setting up an InferenceService using Argo and KFServing with Amazon EKS (Kubernetes). Its important to know that our team has one EKS cluster per environment, which means there can be multiple applications within our cluster that we don't…
Daniel Hair
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1 answer

Traefik on EKS with pod Security Groups

I'm trying to set up a pod on public AWS NLB that will be visible only for a certain range of IPs. For this i figured I could use the security group policy from EKS. If I come from IP I would expect to see this in Traefik logs as my…
Kasia Gogolek
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2 answers

EKS not able to authenticate to Kubernetes with Kubectl - "User: is not authorized to perform: sts:AssumeRole"

I've initially run aws --region eu-west-1 eks update-kubeconfig --name prod-1234 --role-arn arn:aws:iam::1234:user/chris-devops to get access to the EKS cluster. When doing anything like: kubectl get ... I get an error of: An error occurred…
Chris Stryczynski
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4 answers

how to redirect http to https using a kubernetes ingress controller on Amazon EKS

I have configured amazon certificate manager, ALB Ingress Controller and a domain names for my application. I can access my application through port 80 and port 443 (all certificates works just fine). However I would like to redirect all coming…
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3 answers

How to stop AWS EKS Worker Instances

I wonder if that would be possible to temporary stop the worker VM instances so they are not running at night time when I am not working on a cluster development. So far the only way I am aware of to "stop" the instances from running is to delete…
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1 answer

Can't access EKS api server endpoint within VPC when private access is enabled

I have set up EKS cluser with "private access" enabled and set up one instance in the same VPC to communicate with EKS. The issue is if I enable to the "public access", I can access the api endpoint. But if I disable the public access and enable the…
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2 answers

KubernetesPodOperator Pod in version \"v1\" cannot be handled as a Pod: v1.Pod.Spec

Using Airflow to run the KubernetesPodOperator on AWS EKS getting (400), states that Pod in version \"v1\" cannot be handled as a Pod: v1.Pod.Spec. Is aws-eks not supporting this type of pod creation? Here is the…
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Can kubectl work from an assumed role from AWS

I'm using Amazon EKS for Kubernetes deployment (initially created by an AWS admin user), and currently having difficulty to use the AWS credentials from AWS STS assume-role to execute kubectl commands to interact with the stack I have 2 EKS stacks…
Raymond Ng
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1 answer

Jenkins Plugin for Kubernetes Deployment (EKS)

I'm running my application in AWS-EKS and my Jenkins instance is not yet containerized. To deploy our application we are using kubectl command in the Jenkins Pipeline. I'm wondering any best practice or plugin for Kubernetes deployment via…
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2 answers

AWS EKS "is not authorized to perform: iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole"

I have followed the documentation for spinning up an EKS cluster that says to make a service role with certain policies. To create your Amazon EKS service role 1. Open the IAM console at…
2 answers

Kubernetes show Cron Job Successfully but when not getting desired result

when I run the cronjob into Kubernetes, that time cron gives me to success the cron but not getting the desired result apiVersion: batch/v1beta1 kind: CronJob metadata: name: {{ $.Values.appName }} namespace: {{ $.Values.appName }} spec: …
Parth Shah
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1 answer

Install Istio on EKS cluster using Terraform and Helm

I'm new to Terraform and Helm world! I need to set up Istio on the AWS EKS cluster. I'm trying to install Istio on top of EKS cluster using Terraform and Helm as a provider: Below is the terraform code for the same: resource "kubernetes_namespace"…
Sweta Sharma
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1 answer

S3 connectivity issue when running Elasticsearch in Kubernetes with ServiceAccount to IAM role mapping

I faced an issue when I tried to connect an Elasticsearch 7.8.0 instance running in Kubernetes to S3 bucket as backup storage. The installation is the following. There is an Elasticsearch deployed as a custom resource (ECK). Then there is a trusted…
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1 answer

EKS + NLB: ` true` not working with ` nlb`

I have an EKS Kubernetes 1.16.x. cluster with three public subnets tagged with 1 and three private subnets tagged with 1 I'm attempting to create an internal NLB LoadBalancer service. By…
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