Questions tagged [amazon-vpc]

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) lets you provision a private, isolated section of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud where you can launch AWS resources in a virtual network that you define. With Amazon VPC, you can define a virtual network topology that closely resembles a traditional network that you might operate in your own datacenter.


1731 questions
19 answers

EC2 instance has no public DNS

A guy I work with gave me the EC2 credentials to log onto his EC2 console. I was not the one who set it up. Some of the instances show a public dns name and others have a blank public DNS. I want to be able to connect to the instances that have a…
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3 answers

AWS VPC - Internet Gateway vs. NAT

What is an Internet Gateway? What is a NAT Instance? What services do they offer? Reading AWS VPC documentation, I gather they both map private IP addresses to internet route-able addresses for the outgoing requests and route the incoming responses…
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4 answers

Why do we need private subnet in VPC?

There are 4 scenarios in AWS VPC configure. But let's look at these two: Scenario 1: 1 public subnet. Scenario 2: 1 public subnet and 1 private subnet. Since any instance launched in public subnet does not have EIP (unless it's assigned), it is…
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4 answers

Amazon ELB in VPC

We're using Amazon EC2, and we want to put an ELB (load balancer) to 2 instances on a private subnet. If we just add the private subnet to the ELB, it will not get any connections, if we attach both subnets to the ELB then it can access the…
Kevin Willock
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3 answers

What is VPC, Subnet in AWS

What are AWS VPCs (virtual private clouds)? What practical purposes do they serve? Is it mandatory to launch instances within a VPC? What are the subnets and why are they necessary? Do subnets correspond to a particular region?
Santosh Dhanasure
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2 answers

Amazon ELB for EC2 instances in private subnet in VPC

I'm using Amazon EC2, and I want to put an internet-facing ELB (load balancer) to 2 instances on a private subnet. I am using VPC with public and private subnets. If I just add the private subnet to the ELB, it will not get any connections. If I…
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6 answers

Should I use Amazon's AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

Currently moving to Amazon EC2 from another VPS provider. We have your typical web server / database server needs. Web servers in front of our database servers. Database servers are not directly accessible from the Internet. I am wondering if there…
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11 answers

How to connect to outside world from amazon vpc?

I have amazon VPC set through wizard as "public only network", so all my instances are in public subnet. Instances within VPC that have Elastic IP assigned connect to internet without any troubles. But instances without elastic IP can't connect…
6 answers

Access AWS S3 from Lambda within VPC

Overall, I'm pretty confused by using AWS Lambda within a VPC. The problem is Lambda is timing out while trying to access an S3 bucket. The solution seems to be a VPC Endpoint. I've added the Lambda function to a VPC so it can access an RDS hosted…
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5 answers

Assigning Static IP Address to AWS Load Balancer

How can I assign a static IP address to a ELB. Seems like I cannot. Some articles online asks to create a Route 53 record but this requires changing CNAME of domain which also redirect email traffic. I just want to change A record not CNAME. Some…
Narayan Prusty
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12 answers

EC2 t2.micro instance has no public DNS

I launched an Amazon Web Service (AWS) EC2 Instance, t2.micro, which must be launched into a VPC. The VPC has Auto-assign Public IP set to Yes. DNS resolution: Yes DNS hostnames: Yes But on the EC2 Dashboard, the instance still has a blank Public…
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3 answers

Allow AWS Lambda to access RDS Database

I am trying to connect to RDS Database from an AWS Lambda (Java). Which IP should I enable from the RDS Security group rules?
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5 answers

Can't delete AWS internet Gateway

I created an internet gateway in AWS VPC dashboard, I attached it to a VPC then I want to detach it but I keep getting this error: Network vpc-xxxx has some mapped public adresses, Please unmap those public addresses before detaching the gateway. (…
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9 answers

Issue when trying to delete VPC and Network Interface

I am trying to delete AWS VPC (a non default one). I am getting error that "We could not delete the following VPC (vpc-xxxxxxx (xx.xx.xx.x/16)) Network interface 'eni-xxxxxx' is currently in use. (Service: AmazonEC2; Status Code: 400; Error Code:…
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1 answer

Adding AWS Lambda with VPC configuration causes timeout when accessing S3

I am trying to access S3 and resources on my VPC from AWS Lambda but since I configured my AWS Lambda to access VPC it's timing out when accessing S3. Here's the code from __future__ import print_function import boto3 import logging import…
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