Questions tagged [traefik]

Træfɪk is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer made to deploy microservices with ease

Træfik (pronounced like traffic) is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer made to deploy microservices with ease. It supports several backends (Docker, Swarm mode, Kubernetes, Marathon, Consul, Etcd, Rancher, Amazon ECS, and a lot more) to manage its configuration automatically and dynamically.

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1721 questions
6 answers

How to redirect http to https with Traefik 2.0 and Docker Compose labels?

Please note that it is a Traefik V2 question. I had a solution on V1 but V2 is a total rewamp. This above is supposed to redirect to The https is working nicely. The http don't redirect to https…
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2 answers

Docker Swarm Windows Worker with Traefik returns Gateway Timeout

The objective is to get a mixed OS Docker swarm running using Linux servers and Windows 10 Machines running Docker For Windows Currently Windows workers are theoretically supported on mixed os swarms provided the --endpoint-mode flag is set to…
Matt Hawes
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4 answers

Gateway timeout with traefik and php fpm

I have a problem with setting up mailcow with traefik, I encounter gateway timeouts. I also have this problem with nextcloud, so I would be really interested, what causes these issues with gateway timeout. I guess it has to do with port 9000 and…
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3 answers

Traefik > "Bad gateway" (error 502) for some containers

I meet some problems using traefik with docker and I don't know why. With some containers, it's works like a charm and for other ones, I have an error when I try to access to these ones : Bad gateway (error 502). Here is my traefik.toml : # Service…
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2 answers

How to get traefik to redirect to specific non-docker port from inside docker

First of all I'm sorry if I'm not using the right terms to ask this question, but I'm not up to the terminology in place. I have traefik running in a docker container and serving some services with the PathPrefix option, for instance,…
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1 answer

Gitlab 'Gateway Timeout' behind traefik proxy

So I'm trying to set up a gitlab-ce instance on docker swarm using traefik as reverse proxy. This is my proxy stack; version: '3' services: traefik: image: traefik:alpine command: --entryPoints="Name:http Address::80…
Ernest Okot
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1 answer

Redirect in Traefik from one domain to another

According to the Traefik 1.7 documentation you should be able to have Traefik perform a 302 redirect using: My goal is to simply remove the www. from…
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1 answer

How to connect to Traefik TCP Services with TLS configuration enabled?

I am trying to configure Traefik so that I would have access to services via domain names, and that I would not have to set different ports. For example, two MongoDB services, both on the default port, but in different domains, example.localhost and…
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Traefik version 2 only shows 404 or no website at all

I try to set up Traefik in version 2 but I only get "404 Page not found" or DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN errors in my browser. When I check the API endpoints for routers I can see that my two containers are enabled in Traefik and that the rules are…
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1 answer

Traefik,multiple frontend rules to one docker container

I did search the manual but really couldn't make it very clear, even using the keywords to google that. I need to proxy the /_ to the API container, some rule like that => API container There is already a specified domain point to…
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3 answers

Routing to Different SQL Server Instances Running through Docker on Default Port

I can use Traefik for web sites since they use headers when they are connecting. But I want to have multiple different instances of SQL Server running through docker which will be externally available (outside the docker host, potentially outside…
Matt Vukomanovic
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4 answers

Does it make sense to run Kubernetes on a single server?

I'm using Docker I have implemented a system to deploy environments (on a single server) based on Git branches using Traefik (* and Docker Compose templates. I like Kubernetes and I've never switched to it since I'm limited to one…
Florian Lopes
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3 answers

Internal Server Error with Traefik HTTPS backend on port 443

With docker, I try to setup a traefik backend using HTTPS port 443, so communication between the traefik container and the app container (apache 2.4) will be encrypted. I got an Internal Server Error if i activate traefik.protocol=https and…
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1 answer

Define host and path frontend rule for Traefik

I am trying to use Traefik to deploy proxy multiple applications in my Docker Swarm mode cluster. I have got it so that it proxies a named Host but I want it to proxy on a named Host and Path, but I cannot work out the labels I need to use. This is…
Russell Seymour
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2 answers

Routing paths with Traefik

Currently I'm trying set up a loadbalancer/reverse proxy with Traefik for some docker containers. I'm having trouble with configuring Treafik to make my apps available using a some prefix paths. I'm able to get a basic Traefik configuration running…
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