Questions tagged [kubernetes-helm]

Helm is a tool to manage packages of pre-configured Kubernetes resources (Charts).

Helm simplifies deploying a set of related Kubernetes resources by defining a standard directory structure to hold a set of YAML files, by adding a templating system to produce the actual Kubernetes resources, and by allowing prepackaged applications or components to be directly imported or installed.

The Go text/template engine allows values to be filled into Kubernetes YAML files. In a typical chart, templates/database_statefulset.yaml might contain the fragment:

  - name: mysql
    image: "{{ .Values.image }}:{{ .Values.tag }}"

values.yaml would provide default values for these settings:

image: mysql
tag: latest

When you install the chart, you can provide specific values for these settings.

helm install . --set tag=5.6

This tag is appropriate for most questions about Helm, including questions about the templating system and the command-line tool. It will frequently also be appropriate to tag questions as related, and many questions relate to the more general system. Do not tag questions as ; that is for a different tool.

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3554 questions
8 answers

helm list : cannot list configmaps in the namespace "kube-system"

I have installed helm 2.6.2 on the kubernetes 8 cluster. helm init worked fine. but when I run helm list it giving this error. helm list Error: configmaps is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:kube-system:default" cannot list configmaps in the…
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7 answers

How to pull environment variables with Helm charts

I have my deployment.yaml file within the templates directory of Helm charts with several environment variables for the container I will be running using Helm. Now I want to be able to pull the environment variables locally from whatever machine the…
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2 answers

Helm install unknown flag --name

When I try to install a chart with helm: helm install stable/nginx-ingress --name my-nginx I get the error: Error: unknown flag: --name But I see the above command format in many documentations. Version:…
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9 answers

Helm: Incompatible versions between client and server

After I have run helm list I got following error: Error: incompatible versions client[v2.9.0] server[v2.8.2] I did a helm init to install the compatible tiller version "Warning: Tiller is already installed in the cluster. (Use --client-only to…
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4 answers

For a helm chart, what versions are available?

I can specify a specific version of a chart by doing: helm install --version stable/ But, how do I know which versions are available?
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5 answers

Helm V3 - Cannot find the official repo

I have been trying to install nginx ingress using helm version 3 helm install my-ingress stable/nginx-ingress But Helm doesn't seem to be able to find it's official stable repo. It gives the message: Error: failed to download…
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6 answers

how to delete tiller from kubernetes cluster

Tiller is not working properly in my kubernetes cluster. I want to delete everything Tiller. Tiller (2.5.1) has 1 Deployment, 1 ReplicaSet and 1 Pod. I tried: kubectl delete deployment tiller-deploy -n kube-system results in "deployment…
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6 answers

Pod status as `CreateContainerConfigError` in Minikube cluster

I am trying to run Sonarqube service using the following helm chart. So the set-up is like it starts a MySQL and Sonarqube service in the minikube cluster and Sonarqube service talks to the MySQL service to dump the data. When I do helm install…
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1 answer

Can we use OR operator in Helm yaml files

Can I do something like this in Helm yamls : {{- if eq .Values.isCar true }} OR {{- if eq .Values.isBus true }} # do something {{- end }} I understand that we can do a single if check. But how would I check for multiple conditions? Are there some…
James Isaac
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3 answers

Can I have multiple values.yaml files for Helm

Can I have multiple values.yaml files in a Helm chart? Something like mychart/templates/internalValues.yaml, mychart/templates/customSettings.yaml, etc? Accessing properties in a values.yaml file can be done by {{ .Values.property1 }}. How would I…
James Isaac
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3 answers

Kubernetes Helm, combine two variables with a string in the middle

I’m trying to change the value of a variable if another variable it set by combining the two with a dash in the middle, I’m not sure of the syntax to do this, I’m thinking of somethings like: {{- $serviceNamespace := .Values.serviceNamespace -}} {{-…
Simon I
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3 answers

What is the purpose of helm delete --purge

Using helm is super cool, but what is the purpose of using helm delete --purge I can see the doc says:remove the release from the store and make its name free for later use So what is the purpose of saving the name and not releasing it with helm…
Chris G.
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6 answers

Updating kubernetes helm values

I'd like to update a value config for a helm release on my cluster. Something like helm update -f new_values.yml nginx-controller
Stan Bondi
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4 answers

helm dry run install

I am trying to test my development helm chat deployment output using --dry-run option. when I run the below command its trying to connect to Kubernetes API server. Is dry run option required to connect Kubernetes cluster? all I want to check the…
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8 answers

Helm: could not find tiller

I'm getting this error message: ➜ ~ helm version Error: could not find tiller I've created tiller project: ➜ ~ oc new-project tiller Now using project "tiller" on server "". Then, I've created tiller into tiller…
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