Questions tagged [amazon-eks]

Amazon EKS stands for "Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service" It is a part of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and provides a fully managed Kubernetes platform, with the ability to have to have your containers deployed across a EC2 backed solution or as a serverless solution with AWS Fargate.

Amazon EKS - Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service is a managed Kubernetes service.

A good learning resource is EKS Workshop

1703 questions
1 answer

How to rewrite target url within an AWS ALB Ingress Controller?

In a classic Kubernetes Nginx ingress I know that it is possible to rewrite target url based on a specific regex by appling this annotation /$1 But this annotation does not work in AWS ALB ingress. Does…
2 answers

Kubernetes EKS Ingress and TLS

I'm trying to accomplish a VERY common task for an application: Assign a certificate and secure it with TLS/HTTPS. I've spent nearly a day scouring thru documentation and trying multiple different tactics to get this working but nothing is working…
Ken J
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1 answer

Understanding Kubernetes cluster scaling

Using AWS EKS with t3.medium instances so I have (2 VCPU = 2000 cores and 4gb ram). Running 6 different apps on the node with these cpu request definitions: name request replica total-cpu app#1 300m x2 600 app#2 100m x4 400 app#3…
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1 answer

Terraform: Deploying a Docker Compose app on EKS/ECS

TL;DR I use an open-source server application running on Docker Compose. It has a few services, including PostgreSQL DB and Redis. How can I best deploy this application to AWS in full IaC with Terraform? Solutions so far 1. AWS ecs-cli ecs-cli now…
5 answers

Error: getting availability zones when trying to create EKS cluster

I'm trying to create an EKS cluster but I keep getting the following error. I think it's an issue of permissions, roles, etc but I have minimum experience with AWS stuff. I found this thread but I have no idea how to implement all these things. Any…
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Pod stuck in Pending state when trying to schedule it on AWS Fargate

I have an EKS cluster to which I've added support to work in hybrid mode (in other words, I've added Fargate profile to it). My intention is to run only specific workload on the AWS Fargate while keeping the EKS worker nodes for other kind of…
Bakir Jusufbegovic
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4 answers

AWS EKS 0/1 nodes are available. 1 insufficient pods

We are trying to deploy a dot net core API service to amazon EKS using ECR. The deployment was successful, but the pods are in pending status. Below are the detailed steps we followed. Steps followed. 1. Created a docker image 2. Pushed the image…
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3 answers

Can't able to get externalID ( i.e instanceId provided by aws) of my kubernetes master node

I did try kubectl describe node masterNodeName ,it gives output as :- Name: ip-172-28-3-142 Roles: master Labels: …
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1 answer

Use ECR images in EKS from another account

I've two accounts: Account A and Account B. I would like to run an image from ECR at Account A on EKS on Account B. I'm a bit confused on how to give the EKS the permissions. At first I thought of creating a docker-registry in the EKS with User…
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0 answers

Kubectl Forbidden error in EKS after modifying the configmap

I have locked myself out after modifying the config map. Is there any way around this? This happened after i modified the config map using kubectl edit -n kube-system configmap/aws-auth Now i am getting an error using the IAM role that was used to…
winn j
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1 answer

service "kubernetes" deleted - accidentally deleted kubernetes service

I accidentally deleted the kubernetes svc: service "kubernetes" deleted using: kubectl delete svc --all what should I do? I was just trying to remove services so I could launch new ones.
3 answers

What's the maximum number of Kubernetes namespaces?

Is there a maximum number of namespaces supported by a Kubernetes cluster? My team is designing a system to run user workloads via K8s and we are considering using one namespace per user to offer logical segmentation in the cluster, but we don't…
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6 answers

How to tail all logs in a kubernetes cluster

I tried this command: kubectl logs --tail I got this error/help output: Error: flag needs an argument: --tail Aliases: logs, log Examples: # Return snapshot logs from pod nginx with only one container kubectl logs nginx # Return snapshot…
Alexander Mills
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1 answer

AWS ALB Ingress Controller doesn't resolve over TLS

I've installed and configured AWS ALB Ingress Controller( and it's working properly over HTTP. However, it doesn't resolve over HTTPS. The Ingress resource is the following: $ kubectl…
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2 answers

Why does my Kubernetes Service only work sometimes on EKS?

In some cases, we have Services that get no response when trying to access them. Eg Chrome shows ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE, and occasionally we get other errors as well, like 408, which I'm fairly sure is returned from the ELB, not our application…
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