Questions tagged [amazon-eks]

Amazon EKS stands for "Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service" It is a part of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and provides a fully managed Kubernetes platform, with the ability to have to have your containers deployed across a EC2 backed solution or as a serverless solution with AWS Fargate.

Amazon EKS - Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service is a managed Kubernetes service.

A good learning resource is EKS Workshop

1703 questions
1 answer

How to use Docker Image in ECR with AWS EKS

I have created EKS Cluster. I also have docker image in ECR. I am not sure how to use the docker image in pod definition in YAML. Is it required to give credentials in secret? or EKS IAM role should have permission for ECR? Any changes in…
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KOPS over AWS EKS or vice versa

I came across an open source Kubernetes project KOPS and AWS Kubernetes service EKS. Both these products allow installation of a Kubernetes cluster. However, I wonder why one would pick EKS over KOPS or vice versa if one has not run any of them…
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kubectl context vs cluster

In the world of kubectl and kubernetes config, what's the difference between context and a cluster? For example I see these commands: Available Commands: current-context Displays the current-context delete-cluster Delete the specified cluster…
7 answers

The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did you specify the right host or port?

when i am trying to test the configuration of kubectl kubectl get svc i am getting this error: the server doesn't have a resource type "svc" when I try this command kubectl get services i am getting error: The connection to the server…
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AccessDeniedException - creating eks cluster - User is not authorized to perform: eks:CreateCluster

I am trying to run this command at the command line: aws eks create-cluster \ --name ignitecluster \ --role-arn "$role_arn" \ --resources-vpc-config subnetIds="$subnet_id",securityGroupIds="$security_group" I get: An error occurred…
Alexander Mills
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6 answers

DNS problem on AWS EKS when running in private subnets

I have an EKS cluster setup in a VPC. The worker nodes are launched in private subnets. I can successfully deploy pods and services. However, I'm not able to perform DNS resolution from within the pods. (It works fine on the worker nodes, outside…
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Setting up AWS EKS - Don't know username and password for config

I'm having an extremely hard time setting up EKS on AWS. I've followed this tutorial: I got up to the ~/.kube/config file and when I try to run kubectl get svc…
Alex Miles
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4 answers

Error loading Namespaces. Unauthorized: Verify you have access to the Kubernetes cluster

I have created a EKS cluster using the the command line eksctl and verified that the application is working fine. But noticing a strange issue, when i try yo access the nodes in the cluster in the web browser i see the following error Error loading…
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EKS in private Subnet , Load Balancer in public subnet

I am running EKS in private subnet and thus unable to create an internet facing load balancer but was able to create Internal LoadBalancer. Is there any way I can create Loadbalancer(probably Manually) in public subnet and point to the pods running…
3 answers

How do you get kubectl to log in to an AWS EKS cluster?

Starting from a ~empty AWS account, I am trying to follow So that meant I created a VPS stack, then installed aws-iam-authenticator, awscli and kubectl, then created an IAM user…
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custom tag on EBS volume provisioned dynamically by Kubernetes

I'm dynamically provisioning a EBS Volume (Kubernetes on AWS through EKS) through PersistentVolumeClaim with a StorageClass apiVersion: kind: StorageClass metadata: name: k8sebs parameters: encrypted: "false" type: gp2 …
Greg Hill
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4 answers

EKS - Node labels

Is there a way to add node labels when deploying worker nodes in EKS. I do not see an option in the CF template available for worker nodes. EKS-CF-Workers The only option I see right now is to use kubectl label command to add labels which is post…
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2 answers

Terraform AWS EKS ALB Kubernetes Ingress won't create Listeners or Target Groups

I am trying to create an AWS EKS cluster with an ALB ingress using Terraform resources. This document indicates that the ingress will automatically create a load balancer with associated listeners and target groups. The Kubernetes Ingress creates an…
1 answer

Get authentication token from AWS EKS using the AWS Java SDK v2

How can I get a Kubernetes authentication token from AWS EKS using the AWS Java SDK v2? An authentication token that can then be used to authenticate with Kubernetes using a Kubernetes SDK. In other words I want to get an authentication token from…
1 answer

Getting error "An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the AssumeRole operation: Access denied" after setting up EKS cluster

I have created the EKS cluster using AWS console, while creating a cluster I used my pre-created VPCs and subnets, I have created one role eks-role which has AmazonEKSClusterPolicy and AmazonEKSServicePolicy attached to it. I have added the…
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