Questions tagged [agent-based-modeling]

Agent-based modeling is a computer simulation method where agents make decisions based on their interactions with each other and their environment. It combines elements of game theory, complex systems, emergence, computational sociology, multi-agent systems, and evolutionary programming.

From Wikipedia:

An agent-based model (ABM) (also sometimes related to the term multi-agent system or multi-agent simulation) is a class of computational models for simulating the actions and interactions of autonomous agents (both individual or collective entities such as organizations or groups) with a view to assessing their effects on the system as a whole. It combines elements of game theory, complex systems, emergence, computational sociology, multi-agent systems, and evolutionary programming. Monte Carlo Methods are used to introduce randomness. ABMs are also called individual-based models.

372 questions
1 answer

Netlogo business model code in Chapter 10. 4 of Railsback and Grimm, Agent-based and Individual-based models

I am trying out examples from the book by Railsback and Grimm (Agent-based and individual based modeling). I have coded a business model in using the instructions from chapter 10.4. I can successfully setup the model however when I click on the go…
1 answer

to reach the conclusion stability in the model developed in netlogo starting with a random population of agents

I have a model in netlogo which simulates the behavior of crowd starting with a random population. In every simulation, the people differ so does their behaviour. So, how many simulations must i at least run to conclude the stability in the system?
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Computing nearest point in a cone of angle

Figure 1 In the above figure, there are 3 agents namely i_1, i_2 and i_3. For each agent, I know the velocity (v_x, v_y) and the position (x,y). I wish to compute the nearest agent within the cone of vision say x degrees of an agent. (Cone of…
Abhishek Bhatia
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Netlogo and GIS Extension: Working on some computers and not others

We are currently working on an ABM using GIS in Netlogo. We are trying to use multiple computers to run simulations. On two of the computers, the model runs perfectly, but on the third, the GIS data will load in and then will not display. After…
1 answer

Reducing Complexity of Agent-Based Models

I am developing an agent based model simulating the growth in-vitro of a cell culture. I am using the MASON library (Java), but I guess by question could be applicable to different implementations. Essentially, my agents are programmed to divide…
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Object equivalent to GridCellNgh?

I am using Repast Simphony to build a simulation using java in Eclipse. The simulation has an agent class that functions within a "geography" context. There are other contexts that agents can move within including "grid" and "space". These are 2D…
Taylor Marie
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Portrayals not Showing

EDIT: Everything displays correctly when either field or hunterField hold no objects in any location. field and hunterField both exclusively hold objects which extend the same class, so I guess it may have something to do with inheritance...? I have…
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MASON Get Moore Neighbors

I am making a simulation with MASON. I have a SparseGrid2D object which I populated as follows in my main simulation class: protonLayer = new SparseGrid2D(HEIGHT, WIDTH); MersenneTwisterFast g = new MersenneTwisterFast(); for(int i…
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Automatically create a 2D array simulations map

So I'm working on a agent based simulation and I'm going to use a 2D array which could be 500x5000 or 1000x1000. The actual simulation will consist of walls which make up rooms. The problem I don't want to manually insert each wall because this…
1 answer

Multiple runs through GUI

I am trying to launch a GUI to my agent-based model (Repast) so that being able to run the model for many times. I am going to produce input parameters based on different distributions for different runs from GUI. Usually we should use batch file…
1 answer

How much repetitions of virtual experiments are enough to be "statistically sure" about its findings?

After reading this article about BehaviourSpace in Netlogo in which the author stated that "[...] the model is stochastic, you need to run each parameter setting many times to be statistically sure about this", I was wondering how much repetitions…
Til Hund
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1 answer

Netlogo. Patches categories from Landsat file

I am expanding a model looking at the effect of different types of fruit and fragmentation on a population of monkeys. The model reads a landsat file made up of 1's and 0s (representing forested and deforested areas) I need to reclassify the 1's…
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2 answers

How to make turtles face each other, wait 3 ticks and then keep wandering?

I am new to both, Netlogo and stackoverflow, but your other posts have already helped me a lot. I am currently trying to program a model, where agents randomly wander a space and have them stop whenever they meet. "Meeting" here means "passing each…
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3 answers

c++ gis/spatial library for higher performance computing

So I am working on setting up an agent-based model that runs over a geographic map--syria in this case. I tried writing it in python, but the performance is rather slow--even after some optimization tricks. I was thinking that I should shift to just…
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Updating the JPanel Canvass from change in the collection

I have a collections of agents (objects), when the simulator begins each agent performs a act() method which updates their location in the environment (2D Array). My paintComponent(Graphics g) is overridden in a different class (which basically…