Questions tagged [agent-based-modeling]

Agent-based modeling is a computer simulation method where agents make decisions based on their interactions with each other and their environment. It combines elements of game theory, complex systems, emergence, computational sociology, multi-agent systems, and evolutionary programming.

From Wikipedia:

An agent-based model (ABM) (also sometimes related to the term multi-agent system or multi-agent simulation) is a class of computational models for simulating the actions and interactions of autonomous agents (both individual or collective entities such as organizations or groups) with a view to assessing their effects on the system as a whole. It combines elements of game theory, complex systems, emergence, computational sociology, multi-agent systems, and evolutionary programming. Monte Carlo Methods are used to introduce randomness. ABMs are also called individual-based models.

372 questions
1 answer

Draw distribution values from a parameter in AnyLogic

How can I change draw a value from a distribution stored in a parameter during runtime? Let's suppose my parameter value is "triangular (0.5 , 1 , 1.5)", for example. In my model, this parameter is called parDelayUnloading. I have many delays along…
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How to duplicate a population of agents

I have got a population of agents named as customers and a number of variables, parameters, and statecharts are defined for them. Then I created a second population of agents. They should include everything that I defined for customers and a few…
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Cellular Automaton Not Woorking

Update: Just to specify, depending on how I change the rules I can set it so within a couple of generations all cells are either permanently alive or dead. I have checked this by echoing statements to console. HOWEVER, this doesn't reflect in the…
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Simulation and Software Engineering

I want to start a simulation project, which will be a descrete-time simulation. The purpose is simulating agent communication with some non-autonomous physical models involved, so it is not necessarily limited to a pure agent-based simulation.…
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how to find search technique for evolutionary computing through agent technology?

I am trying to find new search technique for evolutionary computing through Agent technology. I do not have any idea about this and want to implement it. anybody familiar with this? Can anyone suggest me some research papers for me? I searched on…
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Unity 3D Counting Number of Agent Passes through a door

I am trying to make fire evacuation simulation by using Unity. I need to count the number of agent passes through the exit door during the evacuation. Is there any way to do it ?
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Agent based modeling in anylogic

I need a help :( I am new in anylogic, the problem is i have 4 identical machines each machine has 5 different critical parts. I want these critical parts to represent one machine. What i tried to do is i create a machine agent type with…
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use netlogo software for radiology process

i am going to use the netlogo for simulation radiology service step. can you help me please? I have attached two links of papers are related to my…
2 answers

Error during model creation Could not create NativeRL processors. Caused by: Could not find local class in class airport10.Main.actions in Anylogic

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Could not find local class in class airport10.Main.actions at ai.skymind.nativerl.util.Reflect.findLocalClass( at ai.skymind.nativerl.ActionProcessor.( at…
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Controlling movement of vehicle agents on GIS roads

I am developing an anylogic simulation with GIS library. I have created vehicle as a population of agents on the GIS map. How can I use the roads of the gis map similar to the roads of Road Library? in order to control car movements on GIS map…
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how to create an agent can choose road to driving in anylogic?

i create a supply chain model in anylogic that have a distributor and 8 trailer and 5 trucks for Transport Order from distributor to retailers. now anylogic routing are Automatic but i want to write the agents(trucks) that They can choose their own…
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Simulation Lagging

Hi everyone i've produced an agent based model. The agents can move randomly and use the A* algorithm to move to places to places. There are two main collections 1) arrival Queue (arraylist) and the 2) main agents (arraylist). All the agents are…
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