Questions tagged [agent-based-modeling]

Agent-based modeling is a computer simulation method where agents make decisions based on their interactions with each other and their environment. It combines elements of game theory, complex systems, emergence, computational sociology, multi-agent systems, and evolutionary programming.

From Wikipedia:

An agent-based model (ABM) (also sometimes related to the term multi-agent system or multi-agent simulation) is a class of computational models for simulating the actions and interactions of autonomous agents (both individual or collective entities such as organizations or groups) with a view to assessing their effects on the system as a whole. It combines elements of game theory, complex systems, emergence, computational sociology, multi-agent systems, and evolutionary programming. Monte Carlo Methods are used to introduce randomness. ABMs are also called individual-based models.

372 questions
1 answer

Preferential attachment: assigning edges with a certain probability

I'm trying to create a preferential attachment network with a tunable gamma parameter in Netlogo. I've posted a more general question here, but I have the feeling that I do not fully understand the mechanisms behind the preferential attachment model…
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n-of or one-of turtles is not working as expected when working with turtles individually

I have 200 turtles which represent producers. Each turtle, has 2 variables (sales of 2 prodcuts) and they are compared to let the prodcuer know which product was the most popular, so the turtle's color changes to the color representing that…
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Netlogo: Creating Hierarchical (tree) network with correct number of nodes

I'm trying to create a 'Hierarchical' or 'Tree' network structure with a parameter expansion rate. At first, one node is placed at the top, and each node in the network is connected to a number of nodes below him equal to expansion rate. Currently…
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1 answer

Randomly populate numpy array with integers such that integers are grouped into larger contiguous blocks

I'm trying to create an agent-based model in Python. For the environment, I have been using a numpy array of MxN size. Each pixel represents a patch of land. I would like to assign each patch of land an owner such that the larger blocks that are…
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1 answer

Anylogic: Creating unidirectional connections to specific agents based on shortest distance

I am new to Anylogic, and would like to perform the following task. I have several types of immobile agents on a GIS environment and would like to connect them by a network. The condition for the connections is as follows: Let agent type A has 4…
1 answer

Move agents using another agent in Anylogic

How can I do that in a simple way? I have a number of packages inside a node. I want to move those packages to another node using the agent Forklift.
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2 answers

set one breed's variable to another breed in Netlogo

I read other questions similar to mine, but I still cannot figure out what to do regarding my model. Let me explain. I have two breeds. breed [distributers distributer] breed [suppliers supplier] distributers-own [dproductASales] suppliers-own…
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1 answer

assign a variable to agents' statistics

I have a population of agents as employees. They have a salary which has a formula to be calculated, so I defined it as dynamic variable, "salary". I want to know the average of the salaries, so I went to the statistics and defined: Name:…
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about depicting a variable (Sum) in Anylogic

For defining the behaviour of my agents, I created a state chart in which when a user likes a comment, the variable "likes" is changed as follows : Likes=Likes+1; It should show me at the end the sum of likes. In order to depict this sum , as it is…
1 answer

Dynamically Changing Distribution in AnyLogic

I am using AnyLogic to develop a model. I used the 'distribution' element to initialize values for a parameter in my model. It is working fine, but I want to update these values as my simulation proceeds forward. e.g. if in week 1, the distribution…
0 answers

Update an invenory in anylogic

If I have a production system that produces lets say cars, and the machines (resource pool) have failure rate and repair rate. For repairing, the spare parts inventory should be checked for availabiltiy, then repairing. It is possible to update the…
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1 answer

How to use stopDelay(agent) on AnyLogic

I am generating multiple agents at the source. I would like to let them wait until some event. I am trying to access the "delay.stopDelay(agent)" however it requires an agent as a parameter. How should I proceed?
1 answer

Displaying GridValueLayer styles in Repast Simphony 2.3.1?

Repast Simphony 2.0-beta had a known issue with specifying value layer styles. The option to display them did not show up in the GUI interface. In the GUI, right-clicking on a display and selecting 'Edit', should open a window several tabs along the…
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0 answers

Turtle to walk along a predefined list of GPS coordinates in netlogo

I have created a turtle in netlogo from a shapefile containing it's coordinates, I want the turtle to walk along a predefined list of GPS coordinates which is currently saved as a csv file with three attributes (ID, X,Y) where X and Y are the…
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0 answers

Reinforcement learning in Netlogo: Error: No urn specified

I'm totally new to NetLogo, and am trying to create an agent-based reinforcement learning (RL) model. I have recreated a toy model to get help on. Here, one agent is doing RL by interacting with two agents, one of whom is unreliable (and so…