Questions tagged [landsat]

Landsat could refer to the Landsat program, a remote sensing program managed by USGS and NASA. It could also mean the satellite imagery data from this program.

86 questions
1 answer

Google Earth Engine: how to map a function over a collection of all Landsat sensors to create NDVI timeseries

I am trying to combine all the Landsat sensors (L4-l8) from 1980s to present in Google Earth Engine, and calculate the time-series of the NDVI index (after having removed the clouds) I tried to find a work around to solve the issue that L8 uses…
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Mapping a function to rename bands across an image collection in google earth engine

I have a function to visualize imagery of different dates. However, I need to use both landsat 7 and 8, since my the dates I want start earlier than 2013. The issue arises that landsat 7 and 8 order their bands differently, so visualizing the images…
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3 answers

How to iterate over and download each image in an image collection from the Google Earth Engine python api

I am new to google earth engine and was trying to understand how to use the Google Earth Engine python api. I can create an image collection, but apparently the getdownloadurl() method operates only on individual images. So I am trying to understand…
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r raster cover function - error with landsat stacks

I'm running into an unusual issue with the cover function in R. We are trying to fill cloudy pixels with values from another layer. I can make it work just fine with stacks as follows - library(raster) r1 <- raster(ncols=36, nrows=18) r1[] <-…
Leah Wasser
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Python: script to import multiple LANDSAT images to Grass GIS

I'm trying to write a Python code that will import LANDSAT satellite images into Grass GIS by adapting this code: LANDSAT tiles are downloaded as folders, each containing 7 tiff images (Band 1-7). I therefore have…
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Google Earth Engine Sentinel-2 Level2 set to NaN clouds

I would like to set to NaN or Null all clouds to a cut section of a Sentinel-2 MSI level 2, for one band only if possible (not all RGB) I have used the following code: /** * Function to mask clouds using the Sentinel-2 QA band * @param {ee.Image}…
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1 answer

How to download Landsat 8 images using Amazon S3

I implemented python code from the Automated Bulk Downloads of Landsat-8 Data Products in Python | Geology and Python tutorial. It works pretty okay, but I want to retrieve data on the basis of date.I even changed some of code and tried but have not…
1 answer

Calculate NDVI for a Landsat collection

I am trying to to calculate the ndvi for the full Landsat collection. At first I remove the clouds and then I try to calculate the ndvi index as follow. Unfortunately I do not get any results, does anyone has any ideas why the code does not work?…
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What's the easiest way to load single band Landsat 8 rasters from AWS and combine them into a single multiband RDD?

I'm using geotrellis to load geotiff rasters from Landsat 8 that are sitting on S3. However, they are stored on a per-band basis. I can use S3GeoTiff class to load individual bands, e.g.: val options = S3GeoTiffRDD.Options(getS3Client = () =>…
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2 answers

Using the python gdal module to open images in the same projection but different sizes

I'm not sure this is the correct site for this but, I'm using the gdal.Open() module on python 2.7 to open Landsat GeoTIFF images. They have the same UTM map projection, but different image sizes. How do I fix the image sizes to be the same? I'd…
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Why is Sentinel-2 Map coming out Black on Google Earth Engine

I am taking a look at the FIRMS dataset on the Google Earth Engine and I'd like to see Sentinel-2 images corresponding to forest fires on FIRMS, but for some reason it comes out either very dark or, when I filter the date to September 10-13th,…
0 answers

how to retrieve Common data for Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 on same study area

I am an amateur to GEE, Can anyone help me the script to retrieve Common data for Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, or Landsat-8 on the same study area? I require all the three sensor's data for same-day in the same study area. This is for comparing and…
1 answer

Export each image of an image collection with visualisation parameters

I would like to export specific images as a geotiff to upload for analysis on QGIS (looking at change over time). I want to be able to export each of the images in the l8_merge collection with true colour bands. I've started with a single image…
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How to re-number Landsat 8 bands so that I can merge with Landsat 4-7 images?

I am wanting to merge Landsat 4, 5, 7, and 8 imagery. I need to adjust the Landsat 8 bands so that they match the other Landsat imagery bands. This is the basic structure of my code: // L4 collection var L4 =…
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I want to produce NDVI time series chart in GEE and I'm encountering an error "Error generating chart: User memory limit exceeded."

The following is the code I used, please help me out to solve this error so that I can be able to produce the time series plot. thanks in advance! when I run this code I get this error "Error generating chart: User memory limit exceeded." var…
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