Questions tagged [agent-based-modeling]

Agent-based modeling is a computer simulation method where agents make decisions based on their interactions with each other and their environment. It combines elements of game theory, complex systems, emergence, computational sociology, multi-agent systems, and evolutionary programming.

From Wikipedia:

An agent-based model (ABM) (also sometimes related to the term multi-agent system or multi-agent simulation) is a class of computational models for simulating the actions and interactions of autonomous agents (both individual or collective entities such as organizations or groups) with a view to assessing their effects on the system as a whole. It combines elements of game theory, complex systems, emergence, computational sociology, multi-agent systems, and evolutionary programming. Monte Carlo Methods are used to introduce randomness. ABMs are also called individual-based models.

372 questions
6 answers

Fixing set.seed for an entire session

I am using R to construct an agent based model with a monte carlo process. This means I got many functions that use a random engine of some kind. In order to get reproducible results, I must fix the seed. But, as far as I understand, I must set the…
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4 answers

agent-based simulation: performance issue: Python vs NetLogo & Repast

I'm replicating a small piece of Sugarscape agent simulation model in Python 3. I found the performance of my code is ~3 times slower than that of NetLogo. Is it likely the problem with my code, or can it be the inherent limitation of…
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How to manage memory in agent-based modeling with R

I am building an agent-based model with R but I have memory issues by trying to use large objects. In particular, 8 3D arrays are created at initialization and at each time step each 3D array is filled by different functions. For the moment, the…
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Is OpenCL good for agent based simulation?

I'm learning Scala with the aim of writing agent based simulations using actor concurrency. I currently know very little about OpenCL, and before I dive in can anyone tell me if it is likely to be appropriate/compatible with agent based…
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10 answers

Agent-based modeling resources

I would like to know what kind of toolkits, languages, libraries exist for agent-based modeling and what are the pros/cons of them? Some examples of what I am thinking of are Swarm, Repast, and MASS.
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5 answers

Python or JavaScript scripting for NetLogo?

NetLogo is excellent for agent-based modeling...except for the language. I always find myself contorting my brain trying to figure out how to do something that should be simple to code (such as implementing a simple case statement) in NetLogo's…
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1 answer

Is NetLogo too slow for big simulations? How can I speed up a NetLogo model?

Is NetLogo a good platform for big models (>10,000s of patches, turtles)? How can I speed up a model that runs very slowly?
Steve Railsback
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8 answers

"Multi-agent computing" in simple terms

I've encountered the term "multi-agent computing" as of late, and I don't quite get what it is. I've read a book about it, but that didn't answer the fundamental question of what an agent was. Does someone out there have a pointer to some reference…
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2 answers

Data Structure for Spatial Agent Based Modeling

What are some good data structures for keeping track of agents in a two-dimensional, spatial simulation? I've seen some references to quadtrees (which I understand) and kd-trees (which I don't understand very well). I'm looking for something through…
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5 answers

Predator-prey simulation

I'm trying to implement a model of predator-prey. It is agent-based model. Every few milliseconds is a new move. On the field there are two types of creatures: predator and prey. The behavior of each of them is given by the following rules:…
1 answer

Agent Based Modeling in Modelica

Is it possible to simulate multi-agent systems in Modelica? I'm talking about a system such MASON written in Java. How easy or difficult it would be? As I understand, Modelica is not a typical programming language, so would it be particularly…
1 answer

R - find clusters of group 2 (pairs)

I am looking for a way to find clusters of group 2 (pairs). Is there a simple way to do that? Imagine I have some kind of data where I want to match on x and y, like library(cluster) set.seed(1) df = data.frame(id = 1:10, x_coord = sample(10,10),…
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random-poisson value for entire list in netlogo

I have agents called 'orders' Within these agents there is a number of devices as an attribute. Depending on the age of each of the devices, a certain number of devices will break in accordance with a random-poisson process. For example: Orders have…
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1 answer

How to generate different 2D displays in Repast Simphony (gui or style code?)?

I have built a 3D model in repast simphony and it is working (fairly) well. However, due to the nature of the model, agents tend to form dense clumps. I was wondering if there is a way to generate a 2D slice or cross section through the middle of…
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Asking Turtle to evaluate color of different breed of Turtle

I'm building interactions for a prey-predator model. I have a prey that changes color based on the state that it is currently in. The state that I'm working on is "hiding", in which the prey is yellow. I have a predator working to evaluate if it can…
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