Questions tagged [mason-abm]

MASON is a fast discrete-event multiagent simulation library core in Java, designed to be the foundation for large custom-purpose Java simulations, and also to provide more than enough functionality for many lightweight simulation needs. MASON contains both a model library and an optional suite of visualization tools in 2D and 3D.

MASON is a joint effort between George Mason University's Evolutionary Computation Laboratory and the GMU Center for Social Complexity, and was designed by Sean Luke, Gabriel Catalin Balan, Keith Sullivan, and Liviu Panait, with help from Claudio Cioffi-Revilla, Sean Paus, Keith Sullivan, Daniel Kuebrich, Joey Harrison, and Ankur Desai.

MASON Stands for Multi-Agent Simulator Of Neighborhoods... or Networks... or something...


7 questions
1 answer

Agent Based Modeling in Modelica

Is it possible to simulate multi-agent systems in Modelica? I'm talking about a system such MASON written in Java. How easy or difficult it would be? As I understand, Modelica is not a typical programming language, so would it be particularly…
0 answers

How to install Java3D on Mac OS X 10.10

I'm using an agent-based modelling toolkit called MASON in Eclipse on Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite and I need Java3D to get some of the tutorials to work. Can anyone guide me through installing Java (JDK, JRE, 3D etc.) on a Mac and getting Eclipse setup…
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Reducing Complexity of Agent-Based Models

I am developing an agent based model simulating the growth in-vitro of a cell culture. I am using the MASON library (Java), but I guess by question could be applicable to different implementations. Essentially, my agents are programmed to divide…
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Portrayals not Showing

EDIT: Everything displays correctly when either field or hunterField hold no objects in any location. field and hunterField both exclusively hold objects which extend the same class, so I guess it may have something to do with inheritance...? I have…
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MASON Get Moore Neighbors

I am making a simulation with MASON. I have a SparseGrid2D object which I populated as follows in my main simulation class: protonLayer = new SparseGrid2D(HEIGHT, WIDTH); MersenneTwisterFast g = new MersenneTwisterFast(); for(int i…
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MASON Create Grid of Objects

I am learning MASON and trying to build a Cellular Automaton. For my purpose, each cell in the grid (geometric cell) would need to act as a container to host other 'objects'. Ie: Cells of type of type A, cells of type b, etc. For example, in a 5x5…
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Cellular Automaton Not Woorking

Update: Just to specify, depending on how I change the rules I can set it so within a couple of generations all cells are either permanently alive or dead. I have checked this by echoing statements to console. HOWEVER, this doesn't reflect in the…
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