Questions tagged [noetherian]

For questions on Noetherian rings, Noetherian modules and related notions.

A (commutative) ring is called Noetherian if every ascending chain of ideals becomes stationary. For non-commutative rings, the notions of left- and right-Noetherian exist, and they apply to left and right ideals respectively. A Noetherian non-commutative ring is both left- and right-Noetherian.

More generally, a module is Noetherian if each ascending chain of submodules becomes stationary.

A vector space is Noetherian if and only if it is of finite dimension, and "Noetherian" can in a vague way be considered as a generalization of "finite-dimensional."

856 questions
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A proof for $\dim(R[T])=\dim(R)+1$ without prime ideals?

If $R$ is a commutative ring, it is easy to prove $\dim(R[T]) \geq \dim(R)+1$, where $\dim$ denotes the Krull dimension. If $R$ is Noetherian, we have equality. Every proof I'm aware of uses quite a bit of commutative algebra and non-trivial…
1 answer

The Ring Game on $K[x,y,z]$

I recently read about the Ring Game on MathOverflow, and have been trying to determine winning strategies for each player on various rings. The game has two players and begins with a commutative Noetherian ring $R$. Player one mods out a nonzero…
Alex Becker
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6 answers

A non-noetherian ring with noetherian spectrum

Question 1: Does such a ring exist? Note: The definition of a noetherian topological space is similar to that in rings or sets. Every descending chain of closed subsets stops after a finite number of steps (Question 2: is this equivalent to saying…
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Why is the localization of a commutative Noetherian ring still Noetherian?

This is an unproven proposition I've come across in multiple places. Suppose $A$ is a commutative Noetherian ring, and $S$ a multiplicative subset of $A$. Then $S^{-1}A$ is Noetherian. Why is this? I thought about taking some chain of…
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If $R$ is a Noetherian ring then $R[[x]]$ is also Noetherian

Let $R$ be a Noetherian ring. How can one prove that the ring of the formal power series $R[[x]]$ is again a Noetherian ring? It is well-known that the ring of polynomials $R[x]$ is Noetherian. I try imitating the standard proof of the fact by…
2 answers

When is a tensor product of two commutative rings noetherian?

In particular, I'm told if $k$ is commutative (ring), $R$ and $S$ are commutative $k$-algebras such that $R$ is noetherian, and $S$ is a finitely generated $k$-algebra, then the tensor product $R\otimes_k S$ of $R$ and $S$ over $k$ is a noetherian…
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4 answers

Why are Noetherian Rings important?

I know they are important in abstract algebra, but why do people study them? Why are they so important to study? Do they make certain things easier to understand?
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Noetherian ring with infinite Krull dimension (Nagata's example).

I just started to read about the Krull dimension (definition and basic theory), at first when I thought about the Krull dimension of a noetherian ring my idea was that it must be finite, however this turned out to be wrong. I am looking for an…
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Is the ring of holomorphic functions on $S^1$ Noetherian?

Let $S^1={\{ z \in \Bbb{C} : |z|=1 \}}$ be the unit circle. Let $R= \mathcal{H}(S^1)$ be the ring of holomorphic functions on $S^1$, i.e. the ring of functions $f: S^1 \longrightarrow \Bbb{C}$ which can be extended to an holomorphic function on an…
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Subring of a finitely generated Noetherian ring need not be Noetherian?

A common example showing that a subring of a Noetherian ring is not necessarily Noetherian is to take a polynomial ring over a field $k$ in infinitely many indeterminates, $k[x_1,x_2,\dots]$. The quotient field is then obviously Noetherian, but the…
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What is a clever proof of Hilbert's basis theorem?

So I am studying commutative algebra at the moment and I have come across the proof of the Hilbert Basis Theorem (the proof I have is the same as the one in Reid's Undergraduate Commutative Algebra). I can't see how I would ever have thought of such…
4 answers

What is an easy example of non-Noetherian domain?

Keep in mind, I'm strictly an amateur, though a very old one. I learned about imaginary numbers barely two years ago and ideals a year ago, and I'm still decidedly a novice in both topics. In the university library, I was looking at Modules over…
Mr. Brooks
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3 answers

Primary ideals of Noetherian rings which are not irreducible

It is known that all prime ideals are irreducible (meaning that they cannot be written as an finite intersection of ideals properly containing them). While for Noetherian rings an irreducible ideal is always primary, the converse fails in general.…
Alex Becker
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Why are noetherian and artinian modules important?

As a TA I was recently asked to give the students an introduction to two (quite related) concepts that are new to me, noetherian and artinian modules. I intend to prove the characterisation theorem (i.e., ACC iff every submodule is finitely…
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1 answer

Ideals in $C[0,1]$ which are not finitely generated (From Atiyah- Macdonald )

I'm trying to solve the following problem from Atiyah-Macdonald: Is the ring of continuous function on $[0,1]$ Noetherian ? Certainly not, here are two non terminating ascending chain of ideals: $ 1.$ $\langle x^{1/2} \rangle \subset \langle…
Arpit Kansal
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