Questions tagged [commutative-algebra]

Questions about commutative rings, their ideals, and their modules.

Commutative algebra is the area of mathematics that deals with commutative rings and their ideals, as well as modules over commutative rings.

Many results and tools of commutative algebra are cornerstones of algebraic geometry. Important tools of commutative algebra include localization and completion of rings and modules.

15187 questions
1 answer

A proof for $\dim(R[T])=\dim(R)+1$ without prime ideals?

If $R$ is a commutative ring, it is easy to prove $\dim(R[T]) \geq \dim(R)+1$, where $\dim$ denotes the Krull dimension. If $R$ is Noetherian, we have equality. Every proof I'm aware of uses quite a bit of commutative algebra and non-trivial…
1 answer

The Ring Game on $K[x,y,z]$

I recently read about the Ring Game on MathOverflow, and have been trying to determine winning strategies for each player on various rings. The game has two players and begins with a commutative Noetherian ring $R$. Player one mods out a nonzero…
Alex Becker
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What is the Picard group of $z^3=y(y^2-x^2)(x-1)$?

I'm actually doing much more with this affine surface than just looking for the Picard group. I have already proved many things about this surface, and have many more things to look at it, but the Picard group continues to elude me. One of the…
4 answers

Does $R[x] \cong S[x]$ imply $R \cong S$?

This is a very simple question but I believe it's nontrivial. I would like to know if the following is true: If $R$ and $S$ are rings and $R[x]$ and $S[x]$ are isomorphic as rings, then $R$ and $S$ are isomorphic. Thanks! If there isn't a proof…
1 answer

Classification of prime ideals of $\mathbb{Z}[X]$

Let $\mathbb{Z}[X]$ be the ring of polynomials in one variable over $\Bbb Z$. My question: Is every prime ideal of $\mathbb{Z}[X]$ one of following types? If yes, how would you prove this? $(0)$. $(f(X))$, where $f(X)$ is an irreducible…
0 answers

Classification of local Artin (commutative) rings which are finite over an algebraically closed field.

A result in deformation theory states that if every morphism $Y=\operatorname{Spec}(A)\rightarrow X$ where $A$ is a local Artin ring finite over $k$ can be extended to every $Y'\supset Y$ where $Y'$ is an infinitesimal thickening of $Y$, then $X$ is…
3 answers

What is the Tor functor?

I'm doing the exercises in "Introduction to commutive algebra" by Atiyah&MacDonald. In chapter two, exercises 24-26 assume knowledge of the Tor functor. I have tried Googling the term, but I don't find any readable sources. Wikipedia's explanation…
6 answers

Why can't the Polynomial Ring be a Field?

I'm currently studying Polynomial Rings, but I can't figure out why they are Rings, not Fields. In the definition of a Field, a Set builds a Commutative Group with Addition and Multiplication. This implies an inverse multiple for every Element in…
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6 answers

Reference request: introduction to commutative algebra

My goal is to pick up some commutative algebra, ultimately in order to be able to understand algebraic geometry texts like Hartshorne's. Three popular texts are Atiyah-Macdonald, Matsumura (Commutative Ring Theory), and Eisenbud. There are also…
10 answers

Why is the tensor product important when we already have direct and semidirect products?

Can anyone explain me as to why Tensor Products are important, and what makes Mathematician's to define them in such a manner. We already have Direct Product, Semi-direct products, so after all why do we need Tensor Product? The Definition of Tensor…
2 answers

Characterizing units in polynomial rings

I am trying to prove a result, for which I have got one part, but I am not able to get the converse part. Theorem. Let $R$ be a commutative ring with $1$. Then $f(X)=a_{0}+a_{1}X+a_{2}X^{2} + \cdots + a_{n}X^{n}$ is a unit in $R[X]$ if and only if…
8 answers

Using Gröbner bases for solving polynomial equations

In my attempts to understand just how computer algebra systems "do things", I tried to dig around a bit on Gröbner bases, which are described almost everywhere as "a generalization of the Euclidean algorithm and Gaussian elimination". I've tried to…
4 answers

How does one give a mathematical talk?

Sometime tomorrow morning I will be presenting a mathematics talk on something related to commutative algebra. The people present there will probably be two mathematicians (an algebraic geometer and a complex analyst) and some friends of mine. Now…
2 answers

What are exact sequences, metaphysically speaking?

Why is it natural or useful to organize objects (of some appropriate category) into exact sequences? Exact sequences are ubiquitous - and I've encountered them enough to know that they can provide a very useful and efficient framework to work…
3 answers

Why is the localization at a prime ideal a local ring?

I would like to know, why $ \mathfrak{p} A_{\mathfrak{p}} $ is the maximal ideal of the local ring $ A_{\mathfrak{p}} $, where $ \mathfrak{p} $ is a prime ideal of $ A $ and $ A_{\mathfrak{p}} $ is the localization of the ring $ A $ with respect to…
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