Questions tagged [modules]

For questions about modules over rings, concerning either their properties in general or regarding specific cases.

Modules are abelian groups with an added notion of multiplication by elements in a ring. They generalize abelian groups, which are modules over the integers, and vector spaces, which are modules over a field.

Rigorously, a left $R$-module is defined as an abelian group $M$ paired with a ring $R$ with a binary operation from $\cdot\;\colon R\times M\rightarrow M$ satisfying the following axioms for all $m,n\in M$ and $r,s\in R$:

  1. $r\cdot(m+n)=r\cdot m+r\cdot n$

  2. $(r+s)\cdot m=r\cdot m+s\cdot m$

  3. $(rs)\cdot m=r\cdot(s\cdot m)$

If $R$ is a unital ring, we often also require that $1\cdot m=m$.

A right module is defined similarly by rewriting the axioms with the ring elements acting on the right side.

Modules often arise in the study of commutative rings and in algebraic geometry, but may appear in any investigation of the structure of a ring as a result of the Yoneda embedding which sends a ring to the category of left modules over that ring.

8662 questions
3 answers

What is the Tor functor?

I'm doing the exercises in "Introduction to commutive algebra" by Atiyah&MacDonald. In chapter two, exercises 24-26 assume knowledge of the Tor functor. I have tried Googling the term, but I don't find any readable sources. Wikipedia's explanation…
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Proving that the tensor product is right exact

Let $A\stackrel{\alpha}{\rightarrow}B\stackrel{\beta}{\rightarrow}C\rightarrow 0$ a exact sequence of left $R$-modules and $M$ a left $R$-module ($R$ any ring). I am trying to prove that the induced sequence $$A\otimes_R…
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Proof of $(\mathbb{Z}/m\mathbb{Z}) \otimes_\mathbb{Z} (\mathbb{Z} / n \mathbb{Z}) \cong \mathbb{Z}/ \gcd(m,n)\mathbb{Z}$

I've just started to learn about the tensor product and I want to show: $$(\mathbb{Z}/m\mathbb{Z}) \otimes_\mathbb{Z} (\mathbb{Z} / n \mathbb{Z}) \cong \mathbb{Z}/ \gcd(m,n)\mathbb{Z}.$$ Can you tell me if my proof is right: $\mathbb{Z}/m\mathbb{Z}$…
4 answers

Pathologies in module theory

Linear algebra is a very well-behaved part of mathematics. Soon after you have mastered the basics you got a good feeling for what kind of statements should be true -- even if you are not familiar with all major results and counterexamples. If one…
5 answers

Example of modules that are projective but not free; torsion-free but not free

Free modules are projective, and projective modules are direct summands of free modules. Are there examples of projective modules that are not free? (I know this is not possible for modules of fields.) Free modules are torsion-free. But is the…
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Structure Theorem for abelian torsion groups that are not finitely generated?

I know about the structure theorem for finitely generated abelian groups. I'm wondering whether there exists a similar structure theorem for abelian groups that are not finitely generated. In particular, I'm interested in torsion groups. Maybe…
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1 answer

Finitely generated module with a submodule that is not finitely generated

Can someone give an example of a ring $R$, a left $R$-module $M$ and a submodule $N$ of $M$ such that $M$ is finitely generated, but $N$ is not finitely generated? I tried a couple of examples of modules I know and got nothing...
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1 answer

Submodule of free module over a p.i.d. is free even when the module is not finitely generated?

I have heard that any submodule of a free module over a p.i.d. is free. I can prove this for finitely generated modules over a p.i.d. But the proof involves induction on the number of generators, so it does not apply to modules that are not…
1 answer

Why isn't an infinite direct product of copies of $\Bbb Z$ a free module?

Why isn't an infinite direct product of copies of $\Bbb Z$ a free module? Actually I was asked to show that it's not projective, but as $\Bbb{Z}$ is a PID, so it suffices to show it's not free. I am stuck here. I saw some questions in SE, but…
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2 answers

Tensor products commute with direct limits

This is Exercise 2.20 in Atiyah-Macdonald. How can we prove that $\varinjlim (M_i \otimes N) \cong (\varinjlim M_i) \otimes N$ ? Atiyah-Macdonald give a suggestion, they say that one should obtain a map $g \colon (\varinjlim M_i )\times N…
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4 answers

Difference between free and finitely generated modules

I am not sure I understand the difference between free modules and finitely generated modules. I know that a free module is a module with a basis, and that a finitely generated module has a finite set of generating elements (ie any element of the…
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3 answers

Example of a finitely generated module with submodules that are not finitely generated

I'm looking for an example of a finitely generated module with submodules that are not finitely generated. I've found a similar question dealing with group (i.e. an example of a finitely generated group with subgroups that are not finitely…
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3 answers

My proof of $I \otimes N \cong IN$ is clearly wrong, but where have I gone wrong?

Ok, I'm reading some thesis of some former students, and come up with this proof, but it doesn't really look good to me. So I guess it should be wrong somewhere. So, here it goes: Let $R$ be a unitary commutative ring, and $I$ be an ideal, and $N$…
1 answer

Does Nakayama Lemma imply Cayley-Hamilton Theorem?

Consider the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem in the following form: CH: Let $A$ be a commutative ring, $\mathfrak{a}$ an ideal of $A$, $M$ a finitely generated $A$-module, $\phi$ an $A$-module endomorphism of $M$ such that $\phi(M)\subseteq\mathfrak{a}M$.…
3 answers

How can we show that $\mathbb Q$ is not a free $\mathbb Z$-module?

I am really confused from the definition. How do we know that $\mathbb Q$ is not a free $\mathbb Z$-module? In class people use it as a trivial fact, but I don't seem to understand.
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