Questions tagged [natural-numbers]

For question about natural numbers $\Bbb N$, their properties and applications

In mathematics, the natural numbers are those used for counting ("there are six coins on the table") and ordering ("this is the third largest city in the country"). These purposes are related to the linguistic notions of and , respectively (see English numerals). A later notion is that of a nominal number, which is used only for naming.

Properties of the natural numbers related to , such as the distribution of , are studied in . Problems concerning counting and ordering, such as partition enumeration, are studied in .

1107 questions
9 answers

Is $0$ a natural number?

Is there a consensus in the mathematical community, or some accepted authority, to determine whether zero should be classified as a natural number? It seems as though formerly $0$ was considered in the set of natural numbers, but now it seems more…
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12 answers

Is there a domain "larger" than (i.e., a supserset of) the complex number domain?

I've been teaching my 10yo son some (for me, anyway) pretty advanced mathematics recently and he stumped me with a question. The background is this. In the domain of natural numbers, addition and multiplication always generate natural numbers,…
7 answers

Produce an explicit bijection between rationals and naturals?

I remember my professor in college challenging me with this question, which I failed to answer satisfactorily: I know there exists a bijection between the rational numbers and the natural numbers, but can anyone produce an explicit formula for such…
Alex Basson
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9 answers

Given real numbers: define integers?

I have only a basic understanding of mathematics, and I was wondering and could not find a satisfying answer to the following: Integer numbers are just special cases (a subset) of real numbers. Imagine a world where you know only real numbers. How…
3 answers

Bijection $f\colon\mathbb{N}\to\mathbb{N}$ with $f(0)=0$ and $|f(n)-f(n-1)|=n$

Let $\mathbb{N}=\{0,1,2,\ldots\}$. Does there exist a bijection $f\colon\mathbb{N}\to\mathbb{N}$ such that $f(0)=0$ and $|f(n)-f(n-1)|=n$ for all $n\geq1$? The values $f(1)=1$, $f(2)=3$, and $f(3)=6$ are forced. After that, you might choose to…
7 answers

Why not to extend the set of natural numbers to make it closed under division by zero?

We add negative numbers and zero to natural sequence to make it closed under subtraction, the same thing happens with division (rational numbers) and root of -1 (complex numbers). Why this trick isn't performed with division by zero?
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0 answers

Does the average primeness of natural numbers tend to zero?

Note 1: This questions requires some new definitions, namely "continuous primeness" which I have made. Everyone is welcome to improve the definition without altering the spirit of the question. Click here for a somewhat related question. A number…
5 answers

The best symbol for non-negative integers?

I would like to specify the set $\{0, 1, 2, \dots\}$, i.e., non-negative integers in an engineering conference paper. Which symbol is more preferable? $\mathbb{N}_0$ $\mathbb{N}\cup\{0\}$ $\mathbb{Z}_{\ge 0}$ $\mathbb{Z}_{+}$
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7 answers

Are there any two numbers such that multiplying them together is the same as putting their digits next to each other?

I have two natural numbers, A and B, such that A * B = AB. Do any such numbers exist? For example, if 20 and 18 were such numbers then 20 * 18 = 2018. From trying out a lot of different combinations, it seems as though putting the digits of the…
Pro Q
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2 answers

Demonstration that 0 = 1

I have been proposed this enigma, but can't solve it. So here it is: $$\begin{align} e^{2 \pi i n} &= 1 \quad \forall n \in \mathbb{N} && (\times e) \tag{0} \\ e^{2 \pi i n + 1} &= e &&(^{1 + 2 \pi i n})\ \text{(raising both sides to the $2\pi in+1$…
2 answers

How does Peano Postulates construct Natural numbers only?

I am beginning real analysis and got stuck on the first page (Peano Postulates). It reads as follows, at least in my textbook. Axiom 1.2.1 (Peano Postulates). There exists a set $\Bbb N$ with an element $1 \in \Bbb N$ and a function $s:\Bbb N \to…
Solomon Tessema
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2 answers

Every natural number is covered by consecutive numbers that sum to a prime power.

Conjecture. For every natural number $n \in \Bbb{N}$, there exists a finite set of consecutive numbers $C\subset \Bbb{N}$ containing $n$ such that $\sum\limits_{c\in C} c$ is a prime power. A list of the first few numbers in $\Bbb{N}$ has several…
3 answers

List of powers of Natural Numbers

Greatings,   Some time ago a friend of mine showed me this astonishing algorithm and recently i tried to find some information about it on the internet but couldn't find anything... Please help. Pseudocode: Consider that 1 is the starting index of…
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13 answers

How can we produce another geek clock with a different pair of numbers?

So I found this geek clock and I think that it's pretty cool. I'm just wondering if it is possible to achieve the same but with another number. So here is the problem: We want to find a number $n \in \mathbb{Z}$ that will be used exactly $k \in…
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2 answers

Is aleph-$0$ a natural number?

Would I be right in saying that $\aleph_0 \in \mathbb N$? Or would it be a wrong thing to do?
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