Questions tagged [fourier-analysis]

Fourier analysis, also known as spectral analysis, encompasses all sorts of Fourier expansions, including Fourier series, Fourier transform and the discrete Fourier transform (and relatives). The non-commutative analog is (representation-theory).

Fourier analysis is the study of how general functions can be decomposed into trigonometric or exponential functions with definite frequencies. There are two types of Fourier expansions:

  • Fourier series: If a (reasonably well-behaved) function is periodic, then it can be written as a discrete sum of trigonometric or exponential functions with specific frequencies.
  • Fourier transform: A general function that isn’t necessarily periodic (but that is still reasonably well-behaved) can be written as a continuous integral of trigonometric or exponential functions with a continuum of possible frequencies.

The reason why Fourier analysis is so important is that many (although certainly not all) of the differential equations that govern physical systems are linear, which implies that the sum of two solutions is again a solution. Therefore, since Fourier analysis tells us that any function can be written in terms of sinusoidal functions, we can limit our attention to these functions when solving the differential equations. And then we can build up any other function from these special ones. This is a very helpful strategy, because it is invariably easier to deal with sinusoidal functions than general ones.

Fourier series

Consider a function $f(x)$ that is periodic on the interval $0 ≤ x ≤ L$, then Fourier’s theorem states that $f(x)$ can be written as $$f(x)={a_0}+\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}[a_n \cos (\frac{2n\pi x}{L})+b_n \sin (\frac{2n\pi x}{L})]$$ where the constant coefficients $a_n$ and $b_n$ are called the Fourier coefficients of $f$ and is given by $$a_0=\frac{1}{L}\int_0^L f(x) dx$$ $$a_n=\frac{2}{L}\int_0^L f(x)\cos (\frac{2\pi nx }{L}) dx$$ $$b_n=\frac{2}{L}\int_0^L f(x)\sin (\frac{2\pi nx }{L}) dx$$


Fourier Transform:

For this part find the following link

9505 questions
1 answer

Are these zeros equal to the imaginary parts of the Riemann zeta zeros?

Edit 8.8.2013: See this question also. The Fourier cosine transform of an exponential sawtooth wave times $e^{-x/2}$: $$\operatorname{FourierCosineTransform}(\operatorname{SawtoothWave}(e^x)\cdot e^{-\frac{x}{2}})$$ can be plotted with the following…
Mats Granvik
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6 answers

Fourier transform of unit step?

I don't understand what's wrong with my derivation below... $\delta(t) = u'(t)$ $\mathcal{F}(\delta)(\omega) = 1 = \mathcal{F}(u')(\omega) = i\omega \times \mathcal{F}(u)(\omega)$ (since the Fourier transform of a delta is 1) $\Rightarrow…
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4 answers

Closed form for $\sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty}\frac{1}{(n-a)^2+b^2}$.

What is the closed form for $\sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty}\frac{1}{(n-a)^2+b^2}$? We can use Fourier series of $e^{-bx}$ ($|x|<\pi$) to evaluate $\sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty}\frac{1}{n^2+b^2}$. But this one, it seems to me it is tough to get the closed…
2 answers

What are all the generalizations needed to pass from finite dimensional linear algebra with matrices to fourier series and pdes?

I've studied Linear Algebra on finite dimensions and now I'm studying fourier series, sturm-liouville problems, pdes etc. However none of our lecturers made any connection between linear algebra an this. I think this is a very big mistake because I…
3 answers

Instructive proofs in functional analysis

I am beginning to learn functional analysis (from Folland and Royden), but I am from a non-mathematical background, so I often encounter techniques in proofs that I am not familiar with (for example the proof of the open mapping theorem). An idle…
2 answers

What is the Fourier transform of the product of two functions?

Given $x(t) = f(t) \cdot g(t)$, what is the Fourier transform of $x(t)$? If possible, please explain your answer. The motivation behind the question is homework, but this is a basic principle in the class that I never quite grasped properly. My…
Cory Klein
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5 answers

Fourier - Are sinusoidals strictly required?

We can define all signals as a sum of sinusoidals by taking fourier transform of the signal. Thats OK. My question is, why sinusoidals.? Can there be an another transform like Fourier somewhere in the universe that can explain all signals as sum of…
Yunus Yurtturk
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2 answers

Sobolev space $H^s(\mathbb{R}^n)$ is an algebra with $2s>n$

How do you prove that the Sobolev space $H^s(\mathbb{R}^n)$ is an algebra if $s>\frac{n}{2}$, i.e. if $u,v$ are in $H^s(\mathbb{R}^n)$, then so is $uv$? Actually I think we should also have $\lVert uv\rVert_s \leq C \lVert u\rVert_s \lVert…
2 answers

Proof of the unbounded-ness of $\sum_{n\geq 1}\frac{1}{n}\sin\frac{x}{n}$

For any $x\in\mathbb{R}$, the series $$ \sum_{n\geq 1}\tfrac{1}{n}\,\sin\left(\tfrac{x}{n}\right) $$ is trivially absolutely convergent. It defines a function $f(x)$ and I would like to show that $f(x)$ is unbounded over $\mathbb{R}$. Here there are…
2 answers

Explicitly reconstructing a function from its moments

Let $f$ be an integrable real valued function defined on $[0,\infty)$. Let $$m_n=\int_0^\infty f(x)x^n \mathrm dx$$ be the $n^{th}$ moment, and suppose that all of these integrals converge absolutely. Are there conditions that can we impose on $f$…
Eric Naslund
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4 answers

What is the difference between the Discrete Fourier Transform and the Fast Fourier Transform?

Can anybody answer this question? Thank you.
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3 answers

Intuitively, why is the Gaussian the Fourier transform of itself?

It's a standard exercise to find the Fourier transform of the Gaussian $e^{-x^2}$ and show that it is equal to itself. Although it is computationally straightforward, this has always somewhat surprised me. My intuition for the Gaussian is as the…
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3 answers

Double integral separating real and imaginary parts of $\zeta (\sigma+i t)$

Recently, I stumbled upon what I believe to be a new representation of $\zeta(\sigma+i t)^b$ by chance, and thus have no proof of it, and I am wondering if it is possible to prove. Let $\eta (s) = \zeta (s) (1-2^{1-s})$ denote the Dirichlet eta…
8 answers

Functions that are their own Fourier transform

In Stein's Fourier Analysis, there's the following exercise: The function $e^{-\pi x^2}$ is its own Fourier transform. Generate other functions [presumably in the Schwartz space $S(\mathbb{R})$] that, up to a constant multiple, are their own FTs.…
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5 answers

How to calculate the Fourier transform of a Gaussian function?

I would like to work out the Fourier transform of the Gaussian function $$f(x) = \exp \left(-n^2(x-m)^2 \right)$$ It seems likely that I will need to use differentiation and the shift rule at some point, but I can't seem to get the calculation to…