Questions tagged [functional-analysis]

Functional analysis, the study of infinite-dimensional vector spaces, often with additional structures (inner product, norm, topology), with typical examples given by function spaces. The subject also includes the study of linear and non-linear operators on these spaces and other topics. For basic questions about functions use more suitable tags like (functions), (functional-equations) or (elementary-set-theory).

Functional analysis is the study of infinite-dimensional vector spaces, often with additional structures (inner product, norm, topology), with typical examples given by function spaces. The subject also includes the study of linear and non-linear operators on these spaces, including spectral theory, as well as measure, integration, probability on infinite dimensions, and also manifolds with local structure modeled by these vector spaces.

For basic questions about functions use more suitable tags like , or .

46503 questions
4 answers

Norms Induced by Inner Products and the Parallelogram Law

Let $ V $ be a normed vector space (over $\mathbb{R}$, say, for simplicity) with norm $ \lVert\cdot\rVert$. It's not hard to show that if $\lVert \cdot \rVert = \sqrt{\langle \cdot, \cdot \rangle}$ for some (real) inner product $\langle \cdot, \cdot…
28 answers

Your favourite application of the Baire Category Theorem

I think I remember reading somewhere that the Baire Category Theorem is supposedly quite powerful. Whether that is true or not, it's my favourite theorem (so far) and I'd love to see some applications that confirm its neatness and/or power. Here's…
1 answer

Does the open mapping theorem imply the Baire category theorem?

A nice observation by C.E. Blair1, 2, 3 shows that the Baire category theorem for complete metric spaces is equivalent to the axiom of (countable) dependent choice. On the other hand, the three classical consequences of the Baire category theorem in…
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$L^p$ and $L^q$ space inclusion

Let $(X, \mathcal B, m)$ be a measure space. For $1 \leq p < q \leq \infty$, under what condition is it true that $L^q(X, \mathcal B, m) \subset L^p(X, \mathcal B, m)$ and what is a counterexample in the case the condition is not satisfied?
3 answers

Limit of $L^p$ norm

Could someone help me prove that given a finite measure space $(X, \mathcal{M}, \sigma)$ and a measurable function $f:X\to\mathbb{R}$ in $L^\infty$ and some $L^q$, $\displaystyle\lim_{p\to\infty}\|f\|_p=\|f\|_\infty$? I don't know where to start.
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Is it possible for a function to be in $L^p$ for only one $p$?

I'm wondering if it's possible for a function to be an $L^p$ space for only one value of $p \in [1,\infty)$ (on either a bounded domain or an unbounded domain). One can use interpolation to show that if a function is in two $L^p$ spaces, (e.g. $p_1$…
1 answer

Continuous projections on $\ell_1$ with norm $>1$

I was trying to find papers and articles about non-contractive continuous projections on $\ell_1(S)$ where $S$ is an arbitrary set. If it is not studied yet, I would like to know results for the case $S=\mathbb{N}$. I've found one quite general…
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Is the derivative the natural logarithm of the left-shift?

(Disclaimer: I'm a high school student, and my knowledge of mathematics extends only to some elementary high school calculus. I don't know if what I'm about to do is valid mathematics.) I noticed something really neat the other day. Suppose we…
6 answers

Why don't analysts do category theory?

I'm a mathematics student in abstract algebra and algebraic geometry. Most of my books cover a great deal of category theory and it is an essential tool in understanding these two subjects. Recently, I started taking some functional analysis courses…
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What is the difference between a Hamel basis and a Schauder basis?

Let $V$ be a vector space with infinite dimensions. A Hamel basis for $V$ is an ordered set of linearly independent vectors $\{ v_i \ | \ i \in I\}$ such that any $v \in V$ can be expressed as a finite linear combination of the $v_i$'s; so $\{ v_i \…
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If $f_k \to f$ a.e. and the $L^p$ norms converge, then $f_k \to f$ in $L^p$

Let $1\leq p < \infty$. Suppose that $\{f_k\} \subset L^p$ (the domain here does not necessarily have to be finite), $f_k \to f$ almost everywhere, and $\|f_k\|_{L^p} \to \|f\|_{L^p}$. Why is it the case that $$\|f_k - f\|_{L^p} \to 0?$$ A…
16 answers

Good book for self study of functional analysis

I am a EE grad. student who has had one undergraduate course in real analysis (which was pretty much the only pure math course that I have ever done). I would like to do a self study of some basic functional analysis so that I can be better prepared…
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8 answers

Understanding of the theorem that all norms are equivalent in finite dimensional vector spaces

The following is a well-known result in functional analysis: If the vector space $X$ is finite dimensional, all norms are equivalent. Here is the standard proof in one textbook. First, pick a norm for $X$, say…
1 answer

Lebesgue measure theory vs differential forms?

I am currently reading various differential geometry books. From what I understand differential forms allow us to generalize calculus to manifolds and thus perform integration on manifolds. I gather that it is, in general, completely distinct from…
3 answers

Paul Erdos's Two-Line Functional Analysis Proof

Legends hold that once upon a time, some mathematicians were rather pleased about a 30-ish page result in functional analysis. Paul Erdos, upon learning of the problem, spent ten or so minutes thinking about the original problem, and came up with a…
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