Questions tagged [algebraic-topology]

Questions about algebraic methods and invariants to study and classify topological spaces: homotopy groups, (co)-homology groups, fundamental groups, covering spaces, and beyond.

Algebraic topology is a mathematical subject that associates algebraic objects to topological spaces which are invariant under homeomorphism or homotopy equivalence. Often, these associations are functorial so that continuous maps induce morphisms between appropriate algebraic objects.

19110 questions
6 answers

Why can you turn clothing right-side-out?

My nephew was folding laundry, and turning the occasional shirt right-side-out. I showed him a "trick" where I turned it right-side-out by pulling the whole thing through a sleeve instead of the bottom or collar of the shirt. He thought it was…
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1 answer

Is there a homology theory that counts connected components of a space?

It is well-known that the generators of the zeroth singular homology group $H_0(X)$ of a space $X$ correspond to the path components of $X$. I have recently learned that for Čech homology the corresponding statement would be that $\check{H}_0(X)$ is…
20 answers

How to distinguish between walking on a sphere and walking on a torus?

Imagine that you're a flatlander walking in your world. How could you be able to distinguish between your world being a sphere versus a torus? I can't see the difference from this point of view. If you are interested, this question arose while I was…
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8 answers

Intuition of the meaning of homology groups

I am studying homology groups and I am looking to try and develop, if possible, a little more intuition about what they actually mean. I've only been studying homology for a short while, so if possible I would prefer it if this could be kept…
2 answers

Does a four-variable analog of the Hall-Witt identity exist?

Lately I have been thinking about commutator formulas, sparked by rereading the following paragraph in Isaacs (p.125): An amazing commutator formula is the Hall-Witt identity: $$[x,y^{-1},z]^y[y,z^{-1},x]^z[z,x^{-1},y]^x=1,$$ which holds for any…
Alexander Gruber
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3 answers

Topology: The Board Game

Edit: I've drawn up some different rules, a map and some cards for playing an actual version of the game. They're available at my personal website with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. This is a math education question that I've been…
3 answers

Direct proof that the wedge product preserves integral cohomology classes?

Let $H^k(M,\mathbb R)$ be the De Rham cohomology of a manifold $M$. There is a canonical map $H^k(M;\mathbb Z) \to H^k(M;\mathbb R)$ from the integral cohomology to the cohomology with coefficients in $\mathbb R$, which is isomorphic to the De Rham…
10 answers

Explain "homotopy" to me

I have been struggling with general topology and now, algebraic topology is simply murder. Some people seem to get on alright, but I am not one of them unfortunately. Please, the answer I need is ideally something very elaborate and extensive,…
John Trail
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2 answers

Sheaf cohomology: what is it and where can I learn it?

As I understand it, sheaf cohomology is now an indispensable tool in algebraic geometry, but was originally developed to solve problems in algebraic topology. I have two questions about the matter. Question 1. What is sheaf cohomology? I have a…
1 answer

In $n>5$, topology = algebra

During the study of the surgery theory I faced following sentence: Surgery theory works best for $n > 5$, when "topology = algebra". I don't know what is the meaning of topology=algebra. Can someone clear the sentence to me?
7 answers

Hanging a picture on the wall using two nails in such a way that removing any nail makes the picture fall down

A friend of mine told me that it's possible to hang a picture on the wall from a string using two nails in such a way that removing either of the two nails will make both the string and picture fall down. My friend also told me that I need to be…
Anonymous - a group
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1 answer

Simplicial Complex vs Delta Complex vs CW Complex

I am a little confused about what exactly are the difference(s) between simplicial complex, $\Delta$-complex, and CW Complex. What I roughly understand is that $\Delta$-complexes are generalisation of simplicial complexes (without the requirement…
4 answers

Topological spaces admitting an averaging function

Let $M$ be a topological space. Define an averaging function as a continuous map $f:M \times M \to M$ which satisfies $f(a,b) = f(b,a)$ for all $a,b \in M$ and $f(a,a) = a$ for all $a \in M$. These seem like reasonable properties for a function…
Steven Gubkin
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4 answers

Learning Roadmap for Algebraic Topology

I am now considering about studying algebraic topology. There are a lot of books about it, and I want to choose the most comprehensive book among them. I have a solid background in Abstract Algebra, and also have knowledge on Homological Algebra(in…
1 answer

Simplicial homology of real projective space by Mayer-Vietoris

Consider the $n$-sphere $S^n$ and the real projective space $\mathbb{RP}^n$. There is a universal covering map $p: S^n \to \mathbb{RP}^n$, and it's clear that it's the coequaliser of $\mathrm{id}: S^n \to S^n$ and the antipodal map $a: S^n \to S^n$.…
Zhen Lin
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