Questions tagged [group-theory]

For questions about the study of algebraic structures consisting of a set of elements together with an operation that satisfies four conditions: closure, associativity, identity and invertibility.

A group consists of a base set $G$ and an operation $\ast : G\times G\to G$, such that

  1. $(a \ast b) \ast c = a \ast (b\ast c)$ for all $a,b,c\in G$ (associativity).
  2. There is an identity or unit element $e\in G$ with $e\ast a = a\ast e = a$ for all $a\in G.$
  3. For each element $a\in G$ there is an inverse element $a'$ such that $a\ast a' = a'\ast a = e$.

If additionally the commutative law $a \ast b = b\ast a$ for all $a,b\in G$ is satisfied, the group is called abelian or commutative.

The identity and inverses are always uniquely determined.

There are two main variants for the notation:

  1. In multiplicative notation, the operation is denoted by $a\cdot b$ or just $ab$, the identity is often denoted by $1$, and the inverse of an $a\in G$ is denoted by $a^{-1}$.
  2. For abelian groups often additive notation is used. Here, the operation is denoted by $a + b$, the identity by $0$ and the inverse of $a\in G$ by $-a$.

Group theory can also be seen as the mathematical theory of symmetries.

The historical roots of group theory include the study of symmetries of geometrical objects like the Platonic solids, and the study of roots of polynomial equations originated by Évariste Galois.

45119 questions
31 answers

Nice examples of groups which are not obviously groups

I am searching for some groups, where it is not so obvious that they are groups. In the lecture's script there are only examples like $\mathbb{Z}$ under addition and other things like that. I don't think that these examples are helpful to…
2 answers

Is there a 0-1 law for the theory of groups?

For each first order sentence $\phi$ in the language of groups, define : $$p_N(\phi)=\frac{\text{number of nonisomorphic groups $G$ of order} \le N\text{ such that } \phi \text{ is valid in } G}{\text{number of nonisomorphic groups of order} \le…
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Can we ascertain that there exists an epimorphism $G\rightarrow H$?

Let $G,H$ be finite groups. Suppose we have an epimorphism $$G\times G\rightarrow H\times H$$ Can we find an epimorphism $G\rightarrow H$?
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4 answers

The direct sum $\oplus$ versus the cartesian product $\times$

In the case of abelian groups, I have been treating these two set operations as more or less indistinguishable. In early mathematics courses, one normally defines $A^n := A\times A\times\ldots\times A$; however in, for example, the fundamental…
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1 answer

Is there a characterization of groups with the property $\forall N\unlhd G,\:\exists H\leq G\text{ s.t. }H\cong G/N$?

A common mistake for beginning group theory students is the belief that a quotient of a group $G$ is necessarily isomorphic to a subgroup of $G$. Is there a characterization of the groups in which this property holds? If this question is too broad,…
2 answers

More than 99% of groups of order less than 2000 are of order 1024?

In Algebra: Chapter 0, the author made a remark (footnote on page 82), saying that more than 99% of groups of order less than 2000 are of order 1024. Is this for real? How can one deduce this result? Is there a nice way or do we just check all…
8 answers

Are there real world applications of finite group theory?

I would like to know whether there are examples where finite group theory can be directly applied to solve real world problems outside of mathematics. (Sufficiently applied mathematics such as cryptography, coding theory, or statistics still…
2 answers

Does a four-variable analog of the Hall-Witt identity exist?

Lately I have been thinking about commutator formulas, sparked by rereading the following paragraph in Isaacs (p.125): An amazing commutator formula is the Hall-Witt identity: $$[x,y^{-1},z]^y[y,z^{-1},x]^z[z,x^{-1},y]^x=1,$$ which holds for any…
Alexander Gruber
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8 answers

Normal subgroup of prime index

Generalizing the case $p=2$ we would like to know if the statement below is true. Let $p$ the smallest prime dividing the order of $G$. If $H$ is a subgroup of $G$ with index $p$ then $H$ is normal.
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2 answers

A semigroup $X$ is a group iff for every $g\in X$, $\exists! x\in X$ such that $gxg = g$

The following could have shown up as an exercise in a basic Abstract Algebra text, and if anyone can give me a reference, I will be most grateful. Consider a set $X$ with an associative law of composition, not known to have an identity or inverses.…
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7 answers

What kind of "symmetry" is the symmetric group about?

There are two concepts which are very similar literally in abstract algebra: symmetric group and symmetry group. By definition, the symmetric group on a set is the group consisting of all bijections of the set (all one-to-one and onto functions)…
4 answers

Why do we define quotient groups for normal subgroups only?

Let $G \in \mathbf{Grp}$, $H \leq G$, $G/H := \lbrace gH: g \in G \rbrace$. We can then introduce group operation on $G/H$ as $(xH)*(yH) := (x*y)H$, so that $G/H$ becomes a quotient group when $H$ is a normal subgroup. But why do we only work with…
Alexei Averchenko
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2 answers

Geometric way to view the truncated braid groups?

This is perhaps a vague question, but hopefully there exists literature on the subject. The question is motivated by an answer I gave to this question. I also asked a related question on MO, although hopefully this question should be easier. There…
4 answers

How is a group made up of simple groups?

I've read more than once the analogy between simple groups and prime numbers, stating that any group is built up from simple groups, like any number is built from prime numbers. I've recently started self-studying subgroup series, which is supposed…
Bruno Stonek
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4 answers

Finite subgroups of the multiplicative group of a field are cyclic

In Grove's book Algebra, Proposition 3.7 at page 94 is the following If $G$ is a finite subgroup of the multiplicative group $F^*$ of a field $F$, then $G$ is cyclic. He starts the proof by saying "Since $G$ is the direct product of its Sylow…
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