Questions tagged [geometric-topology]

The corpus of tools and results that arose from studying manifold theory using non-algebraic techniques, that is, as opposed to (algebraic-topology). The focus of the field tends to be on special objects/manifolds/complexes and the topological characterisation and classification thereof. A key example is the literature surrounding the Poincaré Conjecture.

The terminology "geometric topology" is fairly recent.

The words used by topologists to describe their areas has had a fair bit of flux over the years. Before the mid-40's, algebraic topology was called combinatorial topology. The urge to use the phrase "geometric topology" began sometime after the advent of the h-cobordism theorem, and the observation that high-dimensional manifold theory, via a rather elaborate formulation can be largely turned into elaborate algebraic problems.

So there was a desire to have a term that held-together all the aspects of topology where these techniques either don't apply, or were not used (or at least, not predominantly used). Thus a big chunk of "geometric topology" is concerned with 2, 3 and 4-dimensional manifold theory. But of course, even if high-dimensional manifold theory in principle reduces to algebra, that doesn't necessarily mean that the reduction is the right tool to use -- it may be too complicated to be useful. These higher-order type high-dimensional manifold theory problems that don't fit the traditional reductions -- like say Vassiliev's work on spaces of knots -- also end up under the banner of geometric topology.

Defining a subject by what it's not is kind of strange and artificial, but so is taxonomy in general. To again compare it with algebraic topology, note that algebraic topology tends to be more focused on a broad set of tools. Geometric topology, on the other hand, is focused more by the goals, things like the Poincare conjecture(s) and such. So the latter tends to have a more example-oriented culture.

1854 questions
3 answers

Grothendieck 's question - any update?

I was reading Barry Mazur's biography and come across this part: Grothendieck was exceptionally patient with me, for when we first met I knew next to nothing about algebra. In one of his first conversations with me, he raised the question (asked of…
Bombyx mori
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1 answer

In $n>5$, topology = algebra

During the study of the surgery theory I faced following sentence: Surgery theory works best for $n > 5$, when "topology = algebra". I don't know what is the meaning of topology=algebra. Can someone clear the sentence to me?
1 answer

Trigonometric sums related to the Verlinde formula

Original question (see also the revised, possibly simpler, version below): Let $g > 1, r > 1$ be integers. Playing around with the Verlinde formula (see below), I came across the expression $$\sum_{n=1}^{r-1} \sin(\pi n/r)^{2-2g} (e^{2\pi i…
3 answers

Does every bijection of $\mathbb{Z}^2$ extend to a homeomorphism of $\mathbb{R}^2$?

Given a bijection $f\colon \mathbb{Z}^2 \to \mathbb{Z}^2$, does there always exist a homeomorphism $h\colon\mathbb{R}^2\to\mathbb{R}^2$ that agrees with $f$ on $\mathbb{Z}^2$? I don't see any immediate obstruction, but there are certain bijections…
Jim Belk
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4 answers

Why is the Jordan Curve Theorem not "obvious"?

I am horribly confused about Jordan's Curve Theorem (henceforth JCT). Could you give me some reason why should the validity of this theorem be in doubt? I mean for anyone who trusts the eye theorem is obvious. Therefore answers like "do not trust…
Akash Kumar
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6 answers

Is the complement of countably many disjoint closed disks path connected?

Let $\{D_n\}_{n=1}^\infty$ be a family of pairwise disjoint closed disks in $\mathbb{R}^2$. Is the complement $$ \mathbb{R}^2 -\bigcup_{n=1}^\infty D_n $$ always path connected? Here “disk” means a round, geometric disk. (As shown below,…
Jim Belk
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2 answers

The "Easiest" non-smoothable manifold

In 1960, Kervaire found the first example of a PL-manifold which does not admit a smooth structure. Since then, I understand that there are many examples of non-smoothable manifolds that can be built. My question is: Which is the "easiest"…
4 answers

How can a mug and a torus be equivalent if the mug is chiral?

I don't know much about topology, but the other day I was thinking about the (classic?) coffee cup - donut topological equivalence. I realised that a cylinder with one open end and a handle on the side (a mug) is a chiral object in 3D space, whereas…
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3 answers

Verifying 'standup maths' homeomorphism claim

In his newest video, Matt Parker claims that a sphere with three holes (a pair of trousers) and a torus with one hole (a pair of trousers with the legs sewn) are homeomorphic. I assume he meant removing closed discs, since he wanted them to be…
2 answers

Intuition behind Khinchin's constant

Khinchin proved that For almost all reals $r$ with continued fraction representation $[a_o; a_1, a_2, \dots ]$ the sequence $K_n = \left(\prod_{i=1}^{n} a_i\right)^{1/n}$ converges to a constant $K$ (Khinchin's constant) independent of…
3 answers

Quotient of $S^3\times S^3$ by an action of $S^1$

Consider the action of $S^1$ on the product of 3-spheres $S^3\times S^3$ defined by: $$e^{it}.(z_1, z_2)=(e^{2it}z_1, e^{3it}z_2)$$ where $z_1, z_2\in S^3$. Here we understant $e^{2it}z_1$ as the multiplication by $e^{2it}$ in each component of…
3 answers

What closed 3-manifolds have fundamental group $\Bbb Z$?

For certain small groups, it is easy (and desirable) to classify closed (and orientable if necessary) 3-manifolds with that group as their fundamental group. (Essentially due to Waldhausen is that for "large" 3-manifold groups, indecomposable under…
3 answers

Showing that stereographic projection is a homeomorphism

For any $n\geq 0$,the unit $n$-sphere is the space $S^{n}\subset \mathbb{R^{n+1}}$ defined by $$S^{n}=S^{n}(1) :=\left\{ (x_{1},...,x_{n+1}) \left\vert\,\sum_{i=1}^{n+1} x_{i}^{2}=1\right.\right\}$$ with the subspace topology .The point…
1 answer

Can one cancel $\mathbb R$ in a bi-Lipschitz embedding?

Let $X$ be a metric space. Suppose that the product $X\times\mathbb R$ admits a bi-Lipschitz embedding into $\mathbb R^{n}$. Does it follow that $X$ admits a bi-Lipschitz embedding into $\mathbb R^{n-1}$? Definitions and comments: A map $F\colon…
4 answers

Useful fibrations

What are the most useful fibrations that one be familiar with in order to use spectral sequences effectively in algebraic topology? There's at least the four different Hopf fibrations and $S^1\to S^{2n+1}\to \mathbb{C}\textrm{P}^n$. Anything else…
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