Questions tagged [xlpagertabstrip]

Use this tag for question about the XLPagerTabStrip component library for switching among a collection of view controllers using tabs.

It is the iOS version of the Android PagerTabStrip. XLPagerTabStrip is a Container View Controller that allows us to switch easily among a collection of view controllers. Pan gesture can be used to move on to next or previous view controller. It shows a interactive indicator of the current, previous, next child view controllers.

For more info see the github project

98 questions
1 answer

Cannot find interface declaration in myproject-swift.h

I' m using XLPagerTabStrip pod in my project, i have a bridging header for other purposes to integrate from swift to objective c myproject-swift.h i cant build the project and this error always pops: Cannot find interface declaration for …
Sanad Barjawi
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1 answer

Swift: How to show child view controllers via storyboard rather than programmatically using XLPagerTabStrip

I have been following the XLpagerTabStrip cocoapods extension to set up a tab bar at the top of my view controller ( I am implementing the ButtonBarPagerTabStripViewController and have followed the steps…
0 answers

smooth transition between 2 scrollviews

As you can see below I have a ViewController(lets call it viewController A) that contains a container view with a ViewController inside(lets call that ViewController B). So whats happening below is when you scroll up ViewController A's scrollview…
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1 answer

XLPagerTabStrip: doesn't respect the status bar

I'm having difficulty applying XLPagerTabStrip, it's not about the coding itself, but on your screen organization, a few days ago I've been researching but I just circled, used this framework before, I had no difficulties since the code in my…
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3 answers

Dynamic number of ChildViewControllers for XLPagerTabStrip

I am using XLPagerTabStrip to create a category based reading app in Swift 4. I learnt static number of ViewControllers can be easily created using the following function. override func viewControllers(for pagerTabStripController:…
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4 answers

XLPagerTabStrip doesn't fill full width

Problem I'm working on an IOS Application. I use XLPagerTabStrip Library to create Tabs like in Android eg. YouTube. Everything works fine but i have a problem with the Tabs. I have 3 Tabs but they wont fill out the whole width and they are…
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1 answer

Continuous scrolling between tableView and scrollView

I have a parent scroll view with a uiview header and table view. I am trying to have a similar behavior to Twitter or Instagram profile page. You start scrolling the parent scroll view and as soon as the header is gone there is a continuous…
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2 answers

Call function from child to parent in Swift

I am using xlpagertabstrip and I have a parent view controller which has two children (child1, child2). In my parent view controller, I show a UIActivityViewIndicator but I want to know how to hide that indicator in my child1. This is my…
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1 answer

How to update indicator info for XLPagerTabStrip in iOS?

I want to update my indicator info on some events happening in the child view controllers. How can we achieve this?
Sayalee Pote
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0 answers

XLPagerTabStrip not swiping to the next vc

I don't know why it is not swiping to the next viewController. Instead it swipes to a blank page and the tab slider also doesn't move. But when i click on the tabs it works fine and slides to the next viewController. Really not sure why its like…
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XlpagerStrip Spacing Between tabbar in swift

I am currently implementing the XLPagerTabStrip ( which effectively creates a tab bar at the top of the view controller.I make a containerVC class ContainerVC: ButtonBarPagerTabStripViewController { let…
Mike Shaen
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1 answer

No such module 'XLPagerTabStrip'

i use tutorial and get error No such module 'XLPagerTabStrip' My Podfile `# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your…
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3 answers

How to fix "does not conform to protocol" when in it does

I'm trying to implement git project XLPagerTabStrip. According to the project, every controller has to: Every view controller provided by PagerTabStripDataSource's viewControllers(for:) method must conform to InfoProvider But the following code…
David Seek
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1 answer

How to disable swipe up and swipe down

I am using XLPagerTabStrip and have a tab bar across the top of the screen. It scrolls fine left and right and works great, but for some reason it also scrolls up and down and I cannot figure out a way to top the behavior. I have read through the…
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6 answers

XLPagerTabStrip select what view controller will be shown first

I'm using XLPagerTabStrip to switch among a collection of view controllers. I have three view controllers and I would like that middle view controller is shown by default as first. I could use let parentViewController = self.parent! as!…
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