Questions tagged [xlpagertabstrip]

Use this tag for question about the XLPagerTabStrip component library for switching among a collection of view controllers using tabs.

It is the iOS version of the Android PagerTabStrip. XLPagerTabStrip is a Container View Controller that allows us to switch easily among a collection of view controllers. Pan gesture can be used to move on to next or previous view controller. It shows a interactive indicator of the current, previous, next child view controllers.

For more info see the github project

98 questions
1 answer

How do I dynamically add a badge to the button?

I want to add a badge to the tabs when I receive a new update from DB. Is there a method that I can call to update the IndicatorInfo? Unable to figure out please help.
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1 answer

XLPagerTabStrip Button Bar width wider than navigation bar

I am implementing a ButtonBarPagerTabStripViewController with two buttons on my navigation controller's navigation bar. I followed the example provided by adding the following into viewDidLoad() self.buttonBarView.backgroundColor =…
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how to set String in IndicatorInfo in xlpagertabstrip?

how to set itemInfo text from string file xlpagertabstrip child title override func viewControllers(for pagerTabStripController: PagerTabStripViewController) -> [UIViewController] { **let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "String"…
1 answer

XLPagerTabStrip: How to add different bar buttons for different tabs using ButtonBarPagerTabStripViewController

I have three tabs, each tab is having different number of rightBarButtonItem and have different actions. for eg. 1st tab has two right bar buttons Phone and Search, 2nd tab has three right bar buttons Add, Delete and edit, and 3rd tab has two right…
0 answers

XLPagerTabStrip as Subview

I am using XLPagerTabStrip I am using the the demo code attached with it. The requirement is to use the twitter layout and use it as a subview in another controller. I tried this by creating a new scene, added a UIView and in the code behind I am…
1 answer

How to use XLPagerTabStrip

I have installed the pod for XLPagerTabStrip. Now, what do I have to do to use the feature? Please tell the ordered procedure as it is not understandable for me on other available resources.
1 answer

How to put navigation bar or something above XLPagerTabStrip

I'm new to iOS programming and got stuck using XLPagerTabStrip( I followed its tutorial and successfully added PagerTab on the top of VC. However, I can't add something like navbar on the top of VC, above the…
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1 answer

Pass data from parent to children using XLPagerTabStrip

My problem is: I have a viewControllers A and B. I go from A to B using a segue. viewController B has two children (B1 and B2) and both need the same data passed from A. How can I pass data from A to child B1 and B2? At that moment I can only pass…
2 answers

Unable to connect XLPagertabStrip outlets using BaseButtonBarPagerTabStripViewController with custom cell

I wanted to create custom tabs using XLPagerTabStrip, I m using BaseButtonBarPagerTabStripViewController with custom collectionview cell. But the Problem I m getting is, I m not able to connect Buttonbarview and containerview from my class, can you…
Akshaykumar Maldhure
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how to modify the buttonBarView selectedBar width, I don't want him so wide

enter image description here how to modify the buttonBarView selectedBar width, I don't want him so wide
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ButtonBarPagerTabStripViewController updateIndicator toIndex is wrong

I need to add or remove items from the navigation bar when the user changes screen so I have a code like: override func updateIndicator(for viewController: PagerTabStripViewController, fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int, withProgressPercentage…
Ben Ong
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1 answer

last tab hides behind first tab: XLPagerTabStrip

I'm using XlPagerTabStrip for the swipe tabs, everything looks great beside the last tab hiding behind the first tab for the first time while screen is in vertical mode. But after app goes to landscape mode, everything looks good even when app is…
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4 answers

XLPagerTabStrip ButtonBar sticks behind Navigation Bar

I'm using XLPagerTabStrip in a swift 3 application, I use the default ButtonBar and everything works fine but the bar is hidden when I have a navigation bar enabled like this: If I hide the navigation bar, it shows like this: How do I get it below…
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2 answers

Converting XLPagerTabStrip to swift3 causes error

I was trying to implement XLPagerTabStrip in my app and when I did, xcode asked me to convert the code. I changed the same to swift 3 but then I started getting the following errors. I am not able to fix them. Please have a look at it and guide me…
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1 answer

Editable TableView in XLPagerTabStrip as a childViewController

I am stuck at How do I implement such behavior of editable UITableView on XLPagerTabStrip.Requirement is quite straight forward, user can able to edit field depending upon service response. But still how do I manage editable fields of UITableview…
Saheb Singh
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