Questions tagged [xlpagertabstrip]

Use this tag for question about the XLPagerTabStrip component library for switching among a collection of view controllers using tabs.

It is the iOS version of the Android PagerTabStrip. XLPagerTabStrip is a Container View Controller that allows us to switch easily among a collection of view controllers. Pan gesture can be used to move on to next or previous view controller. It shows a interactive indicator of the current, previous, next child view controllers.

For more info see the github project

98 questions
1 answer

Swift: How to segue back to first view controller after using child view controllers from the XLPagerTabStrip

I have been using the XLPagerTabStrip to effectively create a tab bar at the top of my view controller, with mutiple child view controllers displayed within it (source : Lets call these child view…
1 answer

Swift: UIScrollView not displaying child view controller using XLPagerTabStrip

I have been following the XLpagerTabStrip cocoapods extension to set up a tab bar at the top of my view controller ( I am implementing the ButtonBarPagerTabStripViewController and have followed the steps…
Ryan Hampton
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1 answer

There's something wrong with using XLPagerTabStrip

I did everything in XLPagerTabStrip Usage But there is something wrong :( 2016-05-21 20:36:53.108 [13794:5338746] the behavior of the UICollectionViewFlowLayout is not defined because: 2016-05-21 20:36:53.109 [13794:5338746] the item height must…
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1 answer

Make ButtonBarPagerTabStripViewController NavigationBar transparent

I am using the XLPagerStrip pod in my current app and I would like to extend the tableviewcontroller inside my ButtonBarPagerTabStripViewController under the nav bar and have users able to see it through the text that is on button bar navigation…
Steven Burnett
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1 answer

Error in Cocoa pod file 'XLPagerTabStrip' in Xcode 10

My Xcode version is 10.0 and Swift 4.2. When I update my pod file, I am seeing the error as shown in the screenshot. I think 'XLPagerTabStrip' pod file is not getting updated to latest release. To verify this, I created a sample project and…
Nilesh Kumar
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2 answers

How to call a function from another class

In my rootviewcontroller i have three tabs below the navigation menu and each tab represents a list of products , in navigation menu i have a cart icon with a number on it to show the number of icons in the cart. each tab is a seprate viewcontroller…
kaveh naseri
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1 answer

How replace a table view by a collection view?

I want to replace a table view by a collection view, the table view is inside a tab from XLPagerTabStrip. I already tried to replace some things but I get some errors, can someone put me on the right direction ? import UIKit import…
1 answer

XLPagerTabStrip height bar

My result like this I wanna customization bar height How can i do like this ?
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