i use tutorial https://medium.com/michaeladeyeri/how-to-implement-android-like-tab-layouts-in-ios-using-swift-3-578516c3aa9 and get error No such module 'XLPagerTabStrip'

My Podfile

`# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project

platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'NewsTabs' do # Comment the next line if you're not using Swift and don't want to use dynamic frameworks use_frameworks!

pod 'XLPagerTabStrip', '~> 8.0'

end `

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1 Answers1


I had the same issue when I set my App's Deployment Target set 10.0. I have fixed this issue by updating Pods.

Step 1: Navigate to your project. cd /Users/Prakasha/Desktop/Workspace/Projects/YourApp

Step 2: pod update. this will update your system's all pod files.

thats it once updating completes, quit Xcode and reopened, bugs go away.