Questions tagged [wp-admin]

The WordPress admin area is the administration center of a WordPress powered website.

An administrator has full access to all the sections within the WordPress Admin Area. Users with other roles such as editor, contributor, or author have limited access to the admin area.

Some users such as users with the subscriber role only have access to their profile page inside the admin area.

More Information:

  1. WP Admin documentation
  2. WP Admin Plugin
  3. WP Admin One page explanation
165 questions
5 answers

How to add a custom HTML class name to admin screen submenu items?

Here are these submenu items under the Posts menu I inspected the code and found out that the markup of it is this
3 answers

Wordpress login page redirecting to Woocommerce My-Account Page for Normal Users

I am in a deep trouble. Please help me to find a solution for the following. I have wordpress site which uses Woocommerce Plugin. Normally Woocommerce doesn't allow normal Users (Customer,User - These are roles that you can Select from Wordpress…
1 answer

How to make WordPress Back end Page visible to lower roles than admin?

I have tried to created a menu page in WordPress back end but I can not view this page when I login with lower roles than admin! Here is the code: add_action('admin_menu', 'my_menu'); function my_menu(){ add_menu_page('My Menu', 'My Menu',…
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1 answer

Disable WordPress Custom css section on WordPress Customizer

Anyone can help me to locking/ disabling the Appearance -> Customizer -> Additional CSS area. on Wp-admin. I read this codex But didn't got any hook or function for disabling it. Actually, I don't…
Amit mishra
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1 answer

disable wp-admin to wp-login canonical redirect (wordpress)

I am building a website, with wordpress+buddypress (latest version). In this website, I have my own custom login|signup|resetpass forms, and I do not want to link them to back-end wp-forms. I have blocked the back-end forms for all users (default…
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1 answer

Change admin dashboard WooCommerce widget title

I want to change the WooCommerce dashboard widget title from 'WooCommerce Status' to something else. I understand that I need to use a hook in my functions.php but I'm struggling to make this work. I've found the function and the file in WooCommerce…
Cult Digital
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1 answer

Wordpress admin panel pop up window blank

I think photos speak for themselfs. basically all this windows that open inside wp admin are blank. is there any known solution? Thanks picture 1 picture 2
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Why does my WordPress lost password redirect to 404 aswell

I been working on a Wordpress PHP code which redirect the wp-admin to another URL string for example. it would change wp-admin to wp-login.php?mysecretstring=login. This works fine however which it comes to another URL like wordpress reset password…
Omar T
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WordPress user grid custom column sort

I added a custom column to WordPress admin user grid area by adding this codes to functions.php function new_modify_user_table( $column ) { $column['progress'] = 'Progress'; return $column; } add_filter( 'manage_users_columns',…
Suneth Kalhara
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2 answers

Ajax call from frontend not working with wordpress

Call to Ajax not working from frontend in WordPress,All i want to the data from db based on id,this is what i have tried so far. //Frontend view
Khirad Banu
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1 answer

Parse XML into Wordpress WYSIWYG editor ONLY for Posts

I've run into a little situation that is hopefully possible to solve. My goal is to take an existing XML file from the server, parse it, and then inject it as a list into Wordpress's original WYSIWYG editor so that the site owner has the list…
A. Hickman
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2 answers

How do I re-direct non admin and end users to home when hitting wp-admin

When an external user or non admin tries to access gets re-directed to an error page, but still the home_url (where the WP installation resides) is exposed and visible. I would like to be able to re-direct…
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1 answer

WordPress admin pages redirecting to homepage

i have an issue with WordPress. The site working pretty normal but on the admin panel, various pages like edit post, installed plugins, add new plugin, add new page, settings redirects me to homepage. I'm googling like crazy for 3 days but i just…
1 answer

WordPress 4.7.2 update on multisite causes wp-admin redirect loop

I have a website running multisite using a subdirectory setup. I have just tried updating my site to 4.7.2 and the update goes through and no errors happen during the installation, but then after the install is finished I am redirected to…
0 answers

I want to use react route function, but can't I classify it by parameter?

I can not speak English very well Thank you for your understanding The cause is a problem that occurred while trying to use react in the WordPress admin menu.
Hakje Lee
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