Questions tagged [wp-admin]

The WordPress admin area is the administration center of a WordPress powered website.

An administrator has full access to all the sections within the WordPress Admin Area. Users with other roles such as editor, contributor, or author have limited access to the admin area.

Some users such as users with the subscriber role only have access to their profile page inside the admin area.

More Information:

  1. WP Admin documentation
  2. WP Admin Plugin
  3. WP Admin One page explanation
165 questions
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How to change labels in the projects page in wp-admin wordpress?

​I want to change labels in this page ex: Client -> Owner What is the file name where I can change these labels from? screenshot: I tried to do it by javascript, but it caused effect on all website pages, on previewing,…
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Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=127) state=0

I got this problem Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=127) state=0 in /home/penumbr9/public_html/wp-load.php(1) : eval()'d code on line 1 Parse error: in /home/penumbr9/public_html/wp-load.php(1) : eval()'d code on line…
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How to limit wp-admin to search only titles

I'm trying to limit the search in the WP admin area to just post titles. I found code that offered a suggestion, however, this is not limiting the search to only the post/page titles: add_filter( 'posts_search', 'wpse_45153_filter_search', null, 2…
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WordPress Admin - Scripts loading but not executing?

I am trying to load and execute a series of script files within wp-admin, more specifically on the post edits screens. At present, I am able to successfully load the files, but nothing is actually working/executing. There are no console errors…
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Javascript Error Wordpress Admin : Uncaught TypeError: a.widget is not a function

I installed a fresh Wordpress 4.9.8 on your System using the commandline tool: WP-CLI. Everything seams to work fine in the frontend. But in the backend I get the following error on the Dashboard: Uncaught TypeError: a.widget is not a function When…
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Wordpress WP Admin showing 404 error while other pages working fine

My blog is working fine and all pages are loaded properly. The only issue is with wp-admin page. It is showing 404 error. Tried checking the permission but that did not worked.
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2 answers

How can I link a custom post type from the admin submenu in wordpress?

I created a custom post type and I hide it using register_post_type() and a menu page using add_menu_page() and add_submenu_page() the link for the custom post type is page=edit.php?post_type=survey and for the menu page is…
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How does a "POST / HTTP/1.1" request referred from wp-admin succeed when I don't have Wordpress installed?

I was checking the access logs for my site and found several of the following requests (site name, IP addresses, and other general info removed for clarity): IP - - [Date/time] "POST / HTTP/1.0" 200 1815 "" "Browser" IP…
1 answer

How to rename "Author" label in the WP-admin UI

Check the screenshot below; all I want to do is to rename the "Author" for all users who get access to the backend. And it would be better if it's a global change.
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Can not log in to the dashboard on Wordpress

I have been unable to login to the admin page of a developed wordpress site. Im presented with a 504 gateway error. I can get to the admin log in page, after entering the correct details it gives me timeout. I now can not log in to edit the page.…
2 answers

Wordpress - Change Admin / Login URL

first of all - sorry for my bad english. Im trying to change the Backend-URL from /wp-admin/ to /admin/ as example. im using define('WP_ADMIN_DIR', "admin"); define( 'ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH', SITECOOKIEPATH . WP_ADMIN_DIR); add_filter('site_url', …
2 answers

ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error in wordpress wp-admin login

I am using WordPress 4.9.2 and have followed all the steps for installation. Now, once the installation finished I tried to login using entered credentials. But its redirecting me to same wp-login.php page again and again. I tried 'Lost your…
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Wp_admin shows blank after udating wp_debug in wp_config

// Enable Debugging define('WP_DEBUG', true); // Tell WordPress to log everything to /wp-content/debug.log define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true); // Turn off the display of error messages on your site define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false); // For good…
0 answers

Uncaught ReferenceError: wp is not defined in wordpress

i have edit or add new page on wordpress ken theme with WPBakery Visual Composer but it not load properly its give error on console Uncaught ReferenceError: wp is not defined at mk_upload_option (admin-scripts.js:2) image for better…
Bhargav Chudasama
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I want to use wpadmin in django but having an issue

Hello everyone I want to integrate wpadmin by barszczmm into my django project but in his documentation he has written Add django.core.context_processors.request to TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS setting. Icannot exactly understand what this means . I…
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