Questions tagged [wp-admin]

The WordPress admin area is the administration center of a WordPress powered website.

An administrator has full access to all the sections within the WordPress Admin Area. Users with other roles such as editor, contributor, or author have limited access to the admin area.

Some users such as users with the subscriber role only have access to their profile page inside the admin area.

More Information:

  1. WP Admin documentation
  2. WP Admin Plugin
  3. WP Admin One page explanation
165 questions
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Wordpress error by uploading media files: Missing a temporary folder

I know there's a lot of similar topics, but none of them is solving my problem. I just downloaded a website from my computer as localhost to a server. The problem is I don't see any of images which were downloaded on the server with WordPress on my…
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Disable sticky posts feature in WordPress

I need to create a custom WordPress admin interface for a client. I want to completely disable the sticky post feature from admin area. I found some posts on the internet that suggest to hide the checkbox using css, but I would really like to…
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Don't allow users with the editor role to select themselves in the ACF user field

I am currently working on a project that has the ACF user field. However I want to edit the field so that if the user has an editor role, then they cannot select themselves from the user field. However I do want them to have the ability to select…
Mat Teague
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unwanted wordpress login page redirect

I think I'm hacked. When I want to login to dashboard, the login page redirects. I discovered it's because of wp-includes directory and I replaced the directory with a clean version and so it didn't redirect. But after some hours or some days it…
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2 answers

Restore WordPress site without DB backup?

I'm trying to restore a WordPress website for which I have the files backup, but I don't have a DB backup on hand. I managed to get the site up partially by restoring the backup in cPanel - all the site's pages are working now, but because there is…
Remus Dutulescu
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2 answers

Wordpress wp-admin Could not retrieve data error

If I go to my Wordpress website everything is fine but if I want to login in wp-admin. I get an error saying "Could not retrieve data" in a blank page. I already tried to delete any recently installed plugins but nothing worked.
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WP on IIS: Logout on "Login Widget" hangs

  We’ve installed WordPress on a Windows Server (IIS). Everything works fine except “Logout”. When you press “Logout” on the Admin-Panel it works fine but not when you press “Logout” on “Login Widget”. It just hangs instead of logging out and…
1 answer

Unable to reset wp-admin password by phpMyadmin

I have forgotten my wordpress website password. I am resetting password following I am able to change user_pass in phpMyadmin but when i enter username and password on wp-admin url, it gives…
Ammar Hayder Khan
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1 answer

Hide orders based on order status in woocommerce

I have created one custom order status named as "Hidden". Now in woocommmerce orders admin panel, I want to hide all orders which have order status "Hidden". Is there any hook or filter function available to achieve this? Thanks in advance.
0 answers

Wp admin: not able to upload & view featured Images

WordPress helps to manage blog-content and images. But in wp-admin, when I try to view Featured Image from Media Library, it just keeps loading... as shown below: And when I upload a new image, it gets uploaded but it isn't shown under Featured…
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1 answer

jquery missing on wp-admin - wordpress

I have problem with missing files of jquery in wp-admin. On live site everything is correct, 0 bugs but on wp-admin like you see it's messing jquery file. Any ideas?
1 answer

http to https – can't access wp-admin

I have a big problem and hope you guys can help me. Recently, I went on WordPress, go to general setting and change my WordPress address and site address URL from http to https. I did not have any SSL. When I clicked save and reload the site, it…
2 answers

Restrict user to crop image on selecting featured image using wordpress media editor

I am trying to restrict user to select featured images only in an aspect-ratio like 2:1 or 6:9 and for that I tried to find any Wordpress hook which runs after selecting featured image but couldn't find anything, is there any hook or script so I can…
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1 answer

How to modify the entries titles in the projects section in CMS

I want to modify the title names besides the text boxes in the wp-admin project page. Kindly check the sceenshot here:
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2 answers

Add a custom taxonomy filter after product category filter in Woocommerce Admin products list

In my woocommerce storefront child theme, I have added several taxonomies. Now I would like to add a few category filters for those custom taxonomies. I have added such a filter using this code (credit: Rodolfo Melogli) add_filter(…
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