Questions tagged [wp-admin]

The WordPress admin area is the administration center of a WordPress powered website.

An administrator has full access to all the sections within the WordPress Admin Area. Users with other roles such as editor, contributor, or author have limited access to the admin area.

Some users such as users with the subscriber role only have access to their profile page inside the admin area.

More Information:

  1. WP Admin documentation
  2. WP Admin Plugin
  3. WP Admin One page explanation
165 questions
1 answer

How to display tags order by asc or desc when post add and edit in wp-admin

I want to display Tags (Post Meta) order by in post add and post edit. Also I want to display Tags in drop down list.
1 answer

I can enter my homepage but can't enter wp-admin

I build a wordpress site, for a time there was no problem but recently i can't enter my wp-admin page. I tried plugin,themes thing. I get this error but i dont know that it means. Can u help ? Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method…
2 answers

Wordpress - Set wp-admin at domain root

Is there a way to set wp-admin at domain-root? usually you got to wp-admin @ I would like to have wp-admin at Is this doable and is it done with Htaccess or what is needed?
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Wordpress admin settings menu not saving fields

I have the class below setting up a sub menu and an options page, it is not saving the settings fields and I am not sure why. class GuidedJourney_Metallic { private $guided_journey_options; public function __construct() { …
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Login author from wp-admin redirects to homepage

I searched a lot about my problem and I did all ways. For example change .htaccess and wp-config.php file, or change site_url, deactive theme and plugins. But all of them didn't solve my problem. Just know the problem is from database, because, when…
2 answers

Wordpress: moving admin submenu from Posts to a parent level

I want to now if there is any method to change level of an admin submenu taxonomy (as categories and tags) from Posts to make it as a parent menu (such as Page, Comment ...) enter image description here enter image description here
1 answer

wordpress site works, but can not access via wp-admin

( not working? A friend has a wp site that needs some changes, however even though the site works he can not gain access via the wp-admin. browser shows http error 500, not super helpful. I have control panel access but not sure…
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Cannot modify header information - WSOD

wp-admin or dashboard wsod Website looks fine, only dashboard wsod. Set WP_DEBUG to true. No errors displayed. Then I added no-white-screen.php in mu-plugins as ref. suggested. These are my errors: Cannot modify header information - headers already…
1 answer

Wordpress WP ADmin ISsue

I have my website its First page(homepage) is opening fine but when i try to open admin panel . It cannot open and give me Page not reached error. i try many things like changing theme,…
1 answer

Why did my word-press site is showing not secure

I have a new website but it has some SSL issue. Issue is that when i type my website URL without https like only ( in address bar it becomes not secure and when i type https with it like ( my site show secure. I have…
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Site not secure, while SSL certificate is installed. Site only secure on Wordpress dashboard

I am using a Wordpress site with an installed SSL certificate. When accessing the site, it shows that the connection is "Not secure". When clicking on the "Not secure" tab, it shows that the certificate is installed but no further information. Only…
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1 answer

Wordpress can't acces Login page

I copied my web to live host, but when I try to access the admin dashboard the URL can't be accessed. This is the url…
2 answers

XAMPP Wordpress install - WP-Admin formatting unusable

Putting our company website on localhost for testing, etc. All working OK, apart from WP-Admin: lets me login OK, but the format of the site is unusable - image attached. Have checked permalinks, etc. which are working OK for rest of website. It is…
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Remove Theme Options Button from Wordpress Admin Bar

How to remove the "Theme Options" button from the Wordpress Admin Bar. Note that the path of the linked page is: wp-admin/admin.php?page=mytheme-options I have tried both remove_menu_page and remove_submenu_page functions.
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2 answers

How to delete logo Wordpress from wp-admin

How can i DELETE Wordpress logo from wp-admin(screenshot1) ? i tried every code from here: stack question but it doesn't working. screenshot
Daniel Kozina
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