Questions tagged [windows-server]

A family of server operating systems by Microsoft. This tag can also be used to denote a server with Windows, as opposed to Unix, installed.

Windows Server is a family of server operating systems developed by Microsoft.

This includes:

1000 questions
23 answers

Which version of Python do I have installed?

I have to run a Python script on a Windows server. How can I know which version of Python I have, and does it even really matter? I was thinking of updating to the latest version of Python.
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3 answers

What's the difference between the Personal and Web Hosting certificate store?

In Internet Information Services Manager, you're given the option between the Personal and the Web Hosting certificate store when creating or importing a certificate. What's the difference?
Sam Rueby
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5 answers

Is it possible to install Visual Studio in a Windows Container

Is it possible to install any version of Visual Studio in a Windows Container on a Windows Server? The motivation is to use Windows Containers for building software in continuous integration systems, so that the build environment is standardized.
4 answers

Where is MSBuild.exe installed in Windows when installed using BuildTools_Full.exe?

I'm trying to set up a build server for .NET, but can't figure out where MSBuild.exe is installed. I'm trying to install MSBuild using the Microsoft Build Tools 2013:
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3 answers

How do you set up a Python WSGI server under IIS?

I work in a Windows environment and would prefer to deploy code to IIS. At the same time I would like to code in Python. Having read that IIS can run fastCGI application, I went to the IIS site where it describes in detail how to get PHP up and…
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4 answers

How to start Docker daemon (windows service) at startup without the need to log-in?

We have Docker for Windows installed on a Windows Server 2016 Datacenter box. We use this box as a build agent for our docker containers. When we try to connect to this box via the daemon to build a container, we get an error message indicating the…
1 answer

Is there a way to connect through remote desktop to a running Windows Server container?

I want to run an old .NET application in a docker windows server container ( Everything would be easy if this application didn't require an UI. Its UI does a lot of stuff and this stuff cannot…
16 answers

FTP Error 530 User cannot login

I am trying to FTP to a new FTP site I setup with IIS 7.0 for the Windows Server Web (64-bit) edition. But I get the above error when I try to login to this site. But I can login to my other FTP sites. Also, when I select this website from IIS…
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2 answers

NTLM Authentication - Get Windows login, domain and host in PHP

I am working on a Single Sign-On (SSO) PHP application. Users log in their Windows session, and they want to be automatically logged in the application with their Windows account (connected with LDAP Active Directory). I tried this script…
Maxime Mettey
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1 answer

How to run application with Admin privileges using Manifest file in Visual Studio 2005?

I need to create an application which needs to create files/folders in "C:\Program Files","Users[username]" and Sys32. Also the application needs to make some registry entry. This application needs to work on Vista and higher. Also, on Windows…
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6 answers

How do I install GD on my windows server version of PHP

I am running Windows Server 2003 and need to install a version of GD. Can anyone point out some instructions or advice?
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5 answers

Determining if the program is running on Windows Server

I would like to determine if my program is running on a version of Windows Server. Apparently, System.Environment does not contain information about the fact that Windows is a server version (there is no such info in the OS version object). I know…
Pierre Arnaud
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8 answers

How to check my windows server is virtual machine or physical machine

I'm remoting desktop to windows servers in our Lab/datacenter. I have a requirement to figure out all our servers are virtual machines or physical servers programatically, certainly we have the environment sheet tell us which is which. But I need to…
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2 answers

Detecting elevated privileges on Windows Server 2008 or higher

I have an C#, .Net 4.6.1 Windows Forms Application running on Windows Server Platforms (2008 or higher) which requires to be "Run as Administrator". Elevated privileges are required because the application changes User Access Rights on various…
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2 answers

Deploy Meteor on Windows

I find it rather weird that there are no detailed step by step explanations on how to deploy your own Meteor webapp onto your own Windows server. Or maybe I'm just not able to use Google to find one such explanation. On many pages, even on some…
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