Questions tagged [certificate-store]

A location on a computer used to store certificates, often in categories based on usage.

A location on a computer used to store certificates, often in categories based on usage.

106 questions
3 answers

What's the difference between the Personal and Web Hosting certificate store?

In Internet Information Services Manager, you're given the option between the Personal and the Web Hosting certificate store when creating or importing a certificate. What's the difference?
Sam Rueby
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18 answers

"Invalid provider type specified" CryptographicException when trying to load private key of certificate

I'm trying to read the private key of a certificate which has been shared with me by a third-party service provider, so I can use it to encrypt some XML before sending it to them over the wire. I'm doing so programmatically in C#, but I think this…
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2 answers

How do I configure Git to trust certificates from the Windows Certificate Store?

Currently I have the following entry in my .gitconfig in my user directory. ... [http] sslCAInfo=C:\\Users\\julian.lettner\\.ssh\\git-test.pem ... This sets the certificate to use when interacting with the git server (required by my company's…
Julian Lettner
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4 answers

Get list of certificates from the certificate store in C#

For a secure application I need to select a certificate in a dialog. How can I access certificate store or a part of it (e.g. storeLocation="Local Machine" and storeName="My") using C# and get a collection of all certificates from there? Thanks in…
1 answer

Using certificate and private key from Windows cert store with OpenSSL

I am trying to make a program that uses some Web Services in Delphi XE. To connect to the Web Services, I have to use a self signed certificate, which is stored in the Windows cert store. I open the cert store with CertOpenSystemStore, get the cert…
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6 answers

Programmatically verify certificate chain using OpenSSL API

This is very similar to other questions but the ones I've looked at either don't have an answer or don't quite ask the same question. I have a self-signed CA certificate, and two other certificates that are signed with that CA certificate. I'm…
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2 answers

Where did 'My" certificate store go?

Because I'm awesome I'm trying to run the latest WIF demo app using VS2k10 B2 on my 7 boxen... 64bit of course (my neckbeard is strong) I'm having a problem getting it running. Part of the whole demo thing requires I install some certificates on the…
5 answers

Extract private key from pfx file or certificate store WITHOUT using OpenSSL on Windows

As the title suggests I would like to export my private key without using OpenSSL or any other third party tool. If I need a .cer file or .pfx file I can easily export these via MMC or PowerShell pkiclient but I can't find a way to get the private…
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1 answer

Google Chrome Client Certificate Popup

I'm implementing a mutual authentication for my client in order to solve not having to continually whitelist some of the agencies with a dynamic ip. The process works fine in all browsers that I've tried in the Windows environment (Windows 7). The…
1 answer

What is the rationale for all the different X509KeyStorageFlags?

Today, a colleague hit yet another bug related to these! I've found these flags really frustrating in past myself, because if you get them slightly wrong while instantiating X509Certificate2 objects, or exporting them, or saving them in an X509Store…
Tim Lovell-Smith
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4 answers

Accessing Windows Certificate Store certs via Java?

I'm looking to write something that can enumerate and use (to sign) certificates in CurrentUser/My and LocalMachine/My, but I haven't been able to find anything for the Windows cert store, only Java's own secret store. This link looks promising,…
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4 answers

certutil: function failed: SEC_ERROR_LEGACY_DATABASE: The certificate/key database is in an old, unsupported format

I had downloaded a verified (not self-signed) S/MIME certificate with iceweasel (firefox) which was stored in cert8.db Then I used: certutil -L -d in order to list the certificates, and then I extracted the…
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3 answers

Get List of Certificate Store Names in C#

I am able to get certificate collection in particulaer store by using the following statment. X509Store.Certificates But not sure how I can get the list of certificate store names present under current user or local machine. I also checked the…
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1 answer

Install certificates in to the Windows Local user certificate store in C#

I'm writing a Windows service that needs several certificates in the certificate store in order to connect to a third party web service. On my installer I call a small application (C#) that creates a user to run the service as. It works fine. I now…
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0 answers

X509Store Certificates.Find() intermittently failing to find certificate

I have a problem with an MVC web app which calls to another service using a private certificate. The certificate is in my Personal keystore against the current machine- I have used winhttpcertcfg to give permissions to the certificate to the app…
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