Questions tagged [virtual-machine]

A virtual-machine is software emulating complete computer hardware. There are various applications that supply this functionality. **Note**: For questions on the Java VM, use the specific tag [jvm], and for the Android virtual machine, use the tag [dalvik]. For other questions on implementation details of other kinds of VMs like interpreters, automata or Turing-machines, use the tag [vm-implementation]. ONLY QUESTIONS ABOUT PROGRAMMING ARE ON-TOPIC.

If you need non-programming help setting up a virtual machine, ask those questions on Server Fault or Super User.

A virtual-machine is software emulating complete computer hardware. There are various applications that supply this functionality.

The term virtual-machine can be used for a single file containing the software which emulates all the hardware. Virtual-machine software use various hardware and software tricks to speed up the running software.

Programs run on a real machine do not need to be changed to be run on a virtual machine. A program running on a virtual machine works exactly the same as if it were running on its own hardware.

Some virtual machine software include:

7215 questions
21 answers

How is Docker different from a virtual machine?

I keep rereading the Docker documentation to try to understand the difference between Docker and a full VM. How does it manage to provide a full filesystem, isolated networking environment, etc. without being as heavy? Why is deploying software to a…
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22 answers

Addressing localhost from a VirtualBox virtual machine

I have a local test/development server (HTTP, of course), listening to port 8000. I'm working on Linux, so to test the page on Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, etc. I run a virtual machine using VirtualBox; I also need to see how it look on Firefox in a…
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9 answers

Shortcut to exit scale mode in VirtualBox

What is the shortcut to exit scale mode in Oracle VirtualBox, Windows 7 host?
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3 answers

What is the runtime performance cost of a Docker container?

I'd like to comprehensively understand the run-time performance cost of a Docker container. I've found references to networking anecdotally being ~100µs slower. I've also found references to the run-time cost being "negligible" and "close to zero"…
Luke Hoersten
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8 answers

Where does Vagrant download its .box files to?

What happens to the .box file after the following command is executed? vagrant box add lucid32 I can't find the file on the file system after download has completed.
Calvin Cheng
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23 answers

SSH to Vagrant box in Windows?

I'm using Vagrant to start a VirtualBox VM in windows. In other platforms, I can just $ vagrant ssh to connect to the VM. How do i connect to this Vagrant box in windows? The way suggested in Vagrant documentation to use PuTTy also did not…
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21 answers

VirtualBox: mount.vboxsf: mounting failed with the error: No such device

I'm using VirtualBox with OS X as host and CentOS on the guest VM. In OS X I created folder myfolder, added it as shared folder to the VM, turned on the VM, in CentOS created folder /home/user/myfolder and typing: sudo mount -t vboxsf myfolder…
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11 answers

Using vagrant to run virtual machines with desktop environment

My company's development environment is based on virtual machines, running on VirtualBox. We would like to move one step further, and use the capabilities of Vagrant to have the description of the machine in a text file and then be able to "raise"…
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33 answers

VBoxManage: error: Failed to create the host-only adapter

I am running vagrant 1.4 and virtual box 4.3 on fedora 17 machine. When I do "vagrant up", I get this error: Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider... …
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9 answers

How do I change the UUID of a virtual disk?

I am trying to create a new virtual machine with Oracle VirtualBox, using an already-existing hard disk. When I try to select the existing hard disk file, a .vhd file, it displays an error saying the virtual hard disk cannot be used because the UUID…
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21 answers

virtualbox Raw-mode is unavailable courtesy of Hyper-V windows 10

issues: Failed to open a session for the virtual machine ubuntu. Raw-mode is unavailable courtesy of Hyper-V. (VERR_SUPDRV_NO_RAW_MODE_HYPER_V_ROOT). Result Code: E_FAIL (0x80004005) Component: ConsoleWrap Interface: IConsole…
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14 answers

Vagrant Not Starting Up. User that created VM doesn't match current user

I was trying to start up my vagrant machine, so I navigated to the folder where my vagrantfile is, and used: vagrant up && vagrant ssh but I got the following error message: The VirtualBox VM was created with a user that doesn't match the …
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3 answers

What kind of virtual machine is BEAM (the Erlang VM)?

From what I understand a virtual machine falls into two categories either "system virtual machine" or a "process virtual machine". It's kind of fuzzy to me where BEAM lies. Is there another kind of virtual machine I am not aware of?
Eric des Courtis
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7 answers

How do I access the host machine from the guest machine?

I've just created a new Windows XP VM on my Mac using VMware Fusion. The VM is using NAT to share the host's internet connection. How do I access a Rails application, which is accessible on the Mac itself using http://localhost:3000?
John Topley
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31 answers

A VirtualBox machine with the name 'homestead' already exists

Since homestead 2.0 homestead laravel has not been working I don't know why 'homestead init' creates a Homestead.yaml file in mydirectory/.homestead and not in the project directory. Homestead up OR Vagrant up create the following message A…
Matt Doran
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