Questions tagged [weborb]

WebORB is an Java written server developed by Midnight Coders. It is used to connect browser applications (Flash, HTML,Silverlight) and mobile applications with backend services written in Java, PHP, .Net). It offers remoting services, real time messaging, streaming and productivity features.

72 questions
6 answers

ASP.NET Stress Testing

Is there a way to test an application where you simulate a hundred different clients connecting to a IIS server and asking the same data? At the customer where our project is running they have 400 computers and they often do stress tests with all…
Lieven Cardoen
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12 answers

Best method for Flex to PHP communication?

What is the best method for communication between Flex and PHP? In the past, we used AMFPHP with AS2, and it worked great for the most part (advantage of AMFPHP is that it also has a JSON mode that can let you seamlessly use the same remote PHP…
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1 answer

RTMP library for Windows Phone

I am building a WP7 app to take photo and upload image to a third-party server using RTMP. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any sensible implementation of the RTMP client for Windows Phone 7. I have downloaded WebOrb, but it seems like the WebOrb for…
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3 answers / Alternatives

I'm working on an online forex trading system and a while back we have decided to use weborb for .net. The decision was made mainly because we already have a pretty solid .net backbone that was built for the current HTML website. This decision is…
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1 answer

Asp.NET Principal WebORB HttpHandler

I have a Flex-WebORB-Asp.NET application. When logging in, there's an AuthenticationHandler which implements a WebORB interface: IPrincipal CheckCredentials(string username, string password, Request message); So I create a Principal and return it.…
Lieven Cardoen
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2 answers

Flash RemoteObject Weborb connection without services-config.xml (no Flex)

Context : I'm working on a Flash application developed with FDT and compiled with Flash CS4 (I need a huge library). It should connect to various Weborb services. Weborb is properly configured. My services are properly executed, and values returned,…
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3 answers

Data push to flex application from .net backend

I'm about to go into a large scale application (client-flex, The server side is required to push data to the clients without them asking for it, this data can be tables from the DB or simply 2 integers the application needs to…
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4 answers

WebORB for Java or BlazeDS?

I'm in the beginning phases of a project that uses a flex front end with a java/glassfish back end. I'm curious which technology is better to connect the two, WebORB or BlazeDS. At first glance WebORB seems a little bit easier to deal with, but…
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1 answer

Flash/Flex Rails remoting. AMF, WebORB, not quite sure what to use

I'm trying to build a game that sends game play data to a rails app. I've built it in javascript but it's quite obvious that Flash is going to do a better job so now I am about to build it in Flash. Using projects sprouts which is a ruby wrapper to…
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3 answers

What value does WebORB add when accessing a .NET service?

I've been reading about WebORB, and am wondering: if I just need to call methods on a .NET web service from my Flex app, does it add any value?
Richard Ev
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3 answers

WebOrb - Serializing an object as a string

We have an Adobe Flex client talking to a .NET server using WebORB. Simplifying things, on the .NET side of things we have a struct that wraps a ulong like this: public struct MyStruct { private ulong _val; public override string…
Robert Wagner
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2 answers

Date/Time conversion problems from Rails to Flex?

I am getting the following error: TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "2010-01-02 23:28:17 UTC" to Date. I am using WebORB to transfer data between Rails and Flex. The data coming from Rails is of type:…
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1 answer

AIR/Flex .NET remoting without webserver

I have an AIR application that connects to a local .NET backend through a socket. On the backend side (written in C#), the TcpListener class is used to handle incoming messages and send responses back to the client. Currently we use XML to format…
Christophe Herreman
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1 answer

how would I resolve this error: Unable to contact the RDS server "data services on Tomcat (localhost) connection refused: connect

I'm making a program in flash builder 4.5 using WebOrb 4 (which is fantastic, I might add). When I go to deploy, however, it gives me this error: >There was an error during model deployment for xxxxProgram. > >The server returned the following…
Corran Horn
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1 answer

Connecting flex and weborb?

im a newbie in flex. Im have a question :) I have [Bindable] private var model:AlgorithmModel = new AlgorithmModel(); private var serviceProxy:Algorithm = new Algorithm( model ); In MXML private…
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