Questions tagged [weborb]

WebORB is an Java written server developed by Midnight Coders. It is used to connect browser applications (Flash, HTML,Silverlight) and mobile applications with backend services written in Java, PHP, .Net). It offers remoting services, real time messaging, streaming and productivity features.

72 questions
4 answers

Flex AMFPHP vs WebORB vs XMl

I am a newbie to Flex 3 and Flash remoting and I can't decide which technique to use for frontend/backend communication. I started of with XML, but it seems overhead to construct all XMLs in PHP, parse them in Flex, and for sending back data…
Martin M
2 answers

Passing parameters from external PHP service to CakePHP controller actions

Asking this question here because in CakePHP google group got no answer.I have the following pipeline: There is a CakePHP based application.It has a controller with an action called save_results. The action is a method accepting 3 arguments.So it…
Michael IV
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1 answer

Trouble installing WebOrb on Windows 7

I'm trying to evaluate the weborb integration product, but I'm having troubles getting it setup for ASP.NET. The installation appears to complete successfully, but when I go to run the weborb console I get a series of errors. I found some…
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1 answer

Which version of AIR should I use to port my application to Android?

we have an AIR application which is running in client-server mode as a desktop application. Our application runs on AIR version-1.5;Flex version 3.5. We want this application to be ported to android. Will AIR 1.5 work with Android? if not which…
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1 answer

Rails3-amf and bringing an association to amf

i am changing from WebORB to Warhammerkids Rails3-amf - great choice, even tehre are some open issues. One those issues is, how can I get records from an association to the array, which is sent back to the Flex-Application. In WebORB the method of…
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1 answer

WebOrb / Spring integration not working

I've tried copying the weborb config files across to an existing Spring app, and for some reason my spring services aren't being exposed to WebOrb. I don't see the spring services shown in the WebOrb console, and when I hit the server methods, I get…
Marty Pitt
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2 answers

WebOrb to record from my webcam

Can WebOrb record a video (flv) streaming using the webcam as a source? How?
1 answer

Unable to deploy and use WebORB enabled C# program

I have tried to deploy a WebORB .NET C# ASP.NET (C#.NET) application, but I am unable to get it to work. It will run successfully, but it doesn't do anything, and I get the feeling I am making some silly mistake. I have a Flex client which should…
Joel Kennedy
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2 answers

what "Weborb for .NET" version am I *really* running?

the header on my console says v4.1.0.0, but I would swear I had previously installed v4.1.0.1, but that WAS a while ago, and now I'd like to be certain I've upgraded. Anybody know a way to figure this out?
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1 answer

Creating Flash application using WebOrb Ruby/Rails

Ok, this may seem like a stupid question (for Flash Developers) but I really can't figure this out. So, I want to create somekind of an API for Flash/Flex applications so a user can use my lib in order to connect to my WebOrb Rails server. I don't…
Jon Romero
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0 answers

Is 30 calls / second a lot for one IIS server?

We have a RIA application that 300 clients concurrently use in an intranet environment. Together they make 30 calls / second to IIS ( (actually it's 60 but calls are loadbalanced over two IIS servers). Half of the calls is getting an asset…
Lieven Cardoen
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2 answers

Simplifying Flex deployments in services-config.xml?

I am using Flex/Flash to build a UI which front-ends my Rails server application. I am using WebORB as the communication mechanism. My question should apply beyond just WebORB, however. (I think). Specifically, it has to do with the…
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2 answers

Response time increasing (worsening) over time with consistent load

Ok. I know I don't have a lot of information. That is, essentially, the reason for my question. I am building a game using Flash/Flex and Rails on the back-end. Communication between the two is via WebORB. Here is what is happening. When I start the…
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1 answer

WebORB and "Code Generation Failed" message

I'm trying to get an installation of webOrb working, but am stuck getting the model to "build". I've connected to the database server, with the proper credentials. WebOrb asks me which specific DB to connect to, and displays the list for me…
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1 answer

Can Weborb be used to do live video streaming from an iPhone through a media server?

I am new to multimedia and iOS programming and I came across Weborb while Googling, which provides RTMP library for iOS. It doesn't clearly mention that if it can be used to stream live video through a media server like Red5. If any one have used…
MK Singh
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