Questions tagged [glassfish]

GlassFish is the reference Java EE application server.

GlassFish is a Java EE open source application server.

The latest GlassFish release is version 5.0 in September, 2017. GlassFish 3.0 was the first application server to completely implement Java EE 6. GlassFish 4.0 introduced Java EE 7 support, and GlassFish 5 for Java EE 8. GlassFish is the reference implementation for Java EE JSR's (EE 6, EE 7, EE 8)

The Java EE 6 and 7 platforms significantly improves developer productivity, introduces the lightweight Web Profile for Web-centric applications, and includes the latest versions of technologies such as such as

  • Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) 2.0
  • JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.2
  • Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.2
  • Java Persistence (JPA) 2.1
  • Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java EE (CDI) 1.1 and more.

The official GlassFish blog is called TheAquarium. There also is an official Twitter handle @GlassFish. On 4 November 2013, Oracle announced an end to commercial Oracle support for GlassFish. Commercial customers will instead be encouraged to transition to Oracle's alternative product, Oracle Server. A fork of GlassFish with active development and commercial support is .


7669 questions
8 answers

What is the difference between Tomcat, JBoss and Glassfish?

I am starting to look into Enterprise Java and the book I am following mentions that it will use JBoss. Netbeans ships with Glassfish. I have used Tomcat in the past. What are the differences between these three programs?
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1 answer

How can a JACC provider use the Principal-to-role mapping facilities of the server it's deployed on?

I am writing a JACC provider. Along the way, this means implementing a PolicyConfiguration. The PolicyConfiguration is responsible for accepting configuration information from the application server, such as which permissions accrue to which roles. …
Laird Nelson
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18 answers

Where should I put the file?

I wrote a web service project using netbeans 6.7.1 with glassfish v2.1, put to the root dir of project and use: static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MyClass.class); in…
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9 answers

Would you, at present date, use JBoss or Glassfish (or another) as Java EE server for a new project?

If you started a new Java EE project today which is to be finished in about a year, which application server would you choose and why? Part of your answer should include your arguments for your decision. And also how much experience you have with…
1 answer

Difference com.sun.jersey and org.glassfish.jersey

What is the difference between com.sun.jersey and org.glassfish.jersey? Currently I have my REST service working on com.sun.jersey and I want to write tests, but I can't find a good tutorial for this (nothing seems to work). However, I can find good…
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4 answers

Why use Glassfish instead of Apache? What's it strengths and weaknesses?

Sorry for my ignorance here, but when I hear the word webserver, I immediately imagine Apache, although I know people use Microsoft's IIS too. However since I've been hanging out here at Stackoverflow I've noticed lots of people use Glassfish. Which…
Robert Gould
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8 answers

Glassfish DeploymentException: Error in linking security policy for

I have been trying to deploy my web application (war) from Glassfish AdminConsole but I keep getting the following error message - Exception while loading the app : Error in linking security policy for MyApp-war -- Inconsistent Module State. But it…
Bhesh Gurung
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4 answers

How to return a PNG image from Jersey REST service method to the browser

I have a web server running with Jersey REST resources up and I wonder how to get an image/png reference for the browsers img tag; after submitting a Form or getting an Ajax response. The image processing code for adding graphics is working, just…
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5 answers

Why use Apache Web Server in front of Glassfish or Tomcat?

Is it good idea to use Apache Webserver in front of GF or Tomcat? Does it improve the performance/security? Or there is not any reason to use Apache Web Server with GF?
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3 answers

Jetty, Tomcat, Nginx, Geronimo, Glassfish: I'm confused

As someone new to the Java EE ecosystem, I'm confused with these products which share a tremendous amount of keywords. And half of them come from Apache software foundation. Can someone address me with a brief distinctive explanation for each of…
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9 answers

org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer ClassNotFoundException

I have been getting a ClassNotFoundException with org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer but it peculiarly started last night when I tried to start/re-start my Tomcat server (v7) with Eclipse Juno. Not sure what is going on. What's bizarre…
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8 answers

what is, Message: Can not read response from server. Expected to read 4 bytes, read 0 bytes

This question has been asked a couple of times in SO and many times in other sites. But I didn't get any satisfiable answer. My problem: I have a java web application which uses simple JDBC to connect to mysql database through Glassfish…
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7 answers

What does 'URI has an authority component' mean?

I am attempting to build a Java web project on NetBeans 6.8, but I get get the following error: The module has not been deployed. It points to my build-impl.xml file, line 577:
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3 answers

Location of GlassFish Server Logs

I have NetBeans IDE installed on a Windows 7 64-bit machine. Obviously, NetBeans comes with the GlassFish server. I am currently having problems with a project and would like to check the server logs. Where are these stored please?
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7 answers

sun.reflect.annotation.TypeNotPresentExceptionProxy error when deploy web-ear

When I try to deploy ejd-ear, web-ear on to glassfish server. I added an ejb client dependency in web project. The ejb-ear deploys successfully. But when I try to deploy web-ear, it throws an exception…
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