Questions tagged [server-push]

Server push describes a style of Internet-based communication where the request for a given transaction is initiated by the publisher or central server.

Push services are often based on information preferences expressed in advance. This is called a publish/subscribe model.

A client might "subscribe" to various information "channels". Whenever new content is available on one of those channels, the server would push that information out to the user.

E.g. APPLE Push notifications or Android Push notifications.

340 questions
8 answers

Comet and jQuery

I've done some research into server push with javascript and have found the general consensus to be that what I'm looking for lies in the "Comet" design pattern. Are there any good implementations of this pattern built on top of jQuery? If not, are…
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3 answers

Loadbalancing web sockets

I have a question about how to load balance web sockets. I have a server which supports web sockets. Browsers connect to my site and each one opens a web socket to That way, my social network app can push messages to the…
John Smith
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4 answers

Android: Test Push Notification online (Google Cloud Messaging)

Update: GCM is deprecated, use FCM I am implementing Google Cloud Messaging in my application. Server code is not ready yet and in my environment due to some firewall restrictions I can not deploy a test sever for push notification. What I am…
9 answers

Client notification, should I use an AJAX Push or Poll?

I am working on a simple notification service that will be used to deliver messages to the users surfing a website. The notifications do not have to be sent in real time but it might be a better user experience if they happened more frequently than…
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6 answers

HTML 5 Websockets will replace Comet?

It looks like Websockets in HTML 5 will become a new standard for server push. Does that mean the server push hack called Comet will be obsolete? Is there a reason why I should learn how to implement comet when Websockets soon (1-2 years) will be…
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2 answers

Does the browser cancel server push when a resource is in cache?

The HTTP/2 specification indicates that any resource identified in a PUSH_PROMISE frame won't be pushed if the client cancels it. When a browser detects a resource already in the cache, it should cancel the push for this resource. However, I don't…
Guillaume D.
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1 answer

SockJS or Socket.IO? Worth to recode ajax-based page?

Which one's better: Socket.IO or SockJS and what are the biggest differences? How difficult is it to rebuild a completely ajax based page into a node.JS / based page? Do I have to recode absolutely everything? Are there any good tutorials…
Patrick DaVader
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10 answers

ASP.NET Push Redirect on Session Timeout

I'm looking for a tutorial, blog entry, or some help on the technique behind websites that automatically push users (ie without a postback) when the session expires. Any help is appreciated
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6 answers

Implement Comet / Server push in Google App Engine in Python

How can I implement Comet / Server push in Google App Engine in Python?
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2 answers

HTTP 2 will support server push, what does this mean?

I've read a lot of things about HTTP 2 (which is still in development), so I also heard about the server push feature, but I my head, this is not clear. Does this server push feature mean that the server will be able to send a response to the client…
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6 answers http server push to client

What's the best way to push info from a server to a web client? I know it's possible to setup sockets with Silverlight and Flash but I want to stay way from those two technologies. Gmail seems to do a great job of polling the servers for updated…
2 answers

Downside of using Server-Sent events for bidirectional client-server communication (instead of WebSockets)

Recently I've found out of Server-Sent events as a much simpler alternative to WebSockets for doing push from the server. Most places that compare them (like here, here and here) say that if you don't need full duplex communications between client…
Facundo Olano
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6 answers

Investigating solutions for notifying WPF clients from server

I have a project coming up with the requirement to notify WPF desktop clients when something happens on the server. Additionally, the notification to the WPF clients will not be broadcasted (sent to every client), it should be sent to specific…
Ronnie Overby
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4 answers

Does the nginx HTTP/2 module support Server Push?

I'm planning to upgrade my nginx to 1.9.6 which supports HTTP/2. Have nginx implemented HTTP/2 server push? ref:
Merik C.
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2 answers

Does garantee that broadcasted events are received in order client side?

Is there some kind of ordering mechanism in Socket.IO that guarantees that events are received in order by clients? For example: if a server emits event Evt1 to client A, and the server broadcasts Evt2 to all clients. Thus client A receives Evt1…
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