Questions tagged [user-interaction]

User-interactivity is the dialog that occurs between a human being and a computer program.

303 questions
13 answers

How to detect swipe direction between left/right and up/down

My Question: How do I detect when a user moves their finger up/down vs left/right (and how do I know which direction of those groups their finger moved)? My Situation: I want to change the brightness of my app when they move their finger up and down…
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11 answers

How to disable touch input to all views except the top-most view?

I have a view with multiple subviews. When a user taps a subview, the subview expands in size to cover most of the screen, but some of the other subviews are still visible underneath. I want my app to ignore touches on the other subviews when one…
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5 answers

How to disable user interaction on SwiftUI view?

Let's say I have a SwiftUI view hierarchy that looks like this: ZStack() { ScrollView { ... } Text("Hello.") } The Text view blocks touch events from reaching the underlying ScrollView. With UIKit, I'd use something like…
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4 answers

Interactively change the selectInput choices

Originally I create this shiny interface that takes in a parameter "company id" and "date", but here we have a problem: most people dont know the companies we work with by their id, only their name, i.e. (McDonalds, Radioshack). So I want to…
Green Demon
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6 answers

How can a C# Windows Console application tell if it is run interactively

How can a Windows console application written in C# determine whether it is invoked in a non-interactive environment (e.g. from a service or as a scheduled task) or from an environment capable of user-interaction (e.g. Command Prompt or PowerShell)?
Jeff Leonard
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5 answers

WatchKit API for Force Touch / Digital Crown?

I'm very excited about the new user interaction possibilities introduced by the Apple Watch, among them, Force Touch and Digital Crown. However, I couldn't find mentions of them in the WatchKit API. Are there any ways to receive events from Force…
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6 answers

How to create a resizable rectangle with user touch events on Android?

I want to create a rectangular shape that will be resized with the touches of the user. Below image is a good example of what i want to do: Is there any example like that? What do I need to study to implement this? Thanks in advance,
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11 answers

Don't allow user interaction when activity indicator view is visible

I have a view which contains two views. One of those views contains two buttons and some text labels. The other one, with alpha set to 0.25, has an UIActivityIndicatorView to tell the user that the app is working and he must wait until it finishes.…
2 answers

OCaml: Effective Path to GUI Programming?

I have seen a few threads that touch on GUI programming in OCaml but I don't feel they clearly lead to a clear-cut solution when a GUI interface is needed. My question, to be more specific, is as follows: What is the most effective (and easy to…
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15 answers

SWRevealViewController: Remove interaction on frontview when rearview is revealed

I need to disable user interaction on front view when rear view is revealed. Found some others asking the same thing but can't really understand where or how to implement the code that I've seen. Ex: I found this code from link, -…
2 answers

Does interface research indicate Arial is better than Verdana/Tahoma (for on screen reading)

I know Google does A LOT of user interface/experience testing and I'm looking for any type of scientific research on User Experience when it comes to typefaces used on a monitor display. As such, I'm going to use Google as an example. Why doesn't…
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8 answers

iphone development: disabling user interaction during the animation

in my app I have some animations. for example I have a button in my main menu and when you click it animation begins (like moving some place etc.) and at the end of the animation it is navigated to an another page. What I need is disabling the user…
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8 answers

Where to store user's interface choices?

What is the widely-accepted way to store interface choices, such as 'Do not show this message again' settings, and any other interface-specific choices of the user? Registry? Settings files? I can also store them in a database, since my program…
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3 answers

could the SelectionChanged event in WPF be handled only for user interaction?

I would like to handled SelectionChanged event in WPF DataGrid element for user interaction/selection only and skip if it's due to binding or other set values. Any idea how I will determine if the Selection is changed by user interaction? Or any…
binyame tiruneh
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6 answers

C# For how long was user inactive

Some background: I am writing a application with several forms, etc. Users have to log in in order to use most of the features, and this worked fine until now. However, now, client has requested that the user would be logged out after a certain…
David Božjak
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