Questions tagged [shiny]

Shiny is an R package that makes it easy to build interactive web applications using only R.

Shiny makes it easy for R developers to turn their analyses into interactive web applications that anyone can use, without requiring any prior HTML, CSS or JavaScript knowledge. It enables the developer to let users choose input parameters using user friendly controls like sliders, drop-down menus, and text fields, which will then influence any number of outputs like plots, tables, and summaries.


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22390 questions
5 answers

Hosting and setting up own shiny apps without shiny server

I'm trying to make shiny apps available to my coworkers without them having to run or even have R installed. So I read this webpage and found this sentence: If you are familiar with web hosting or have access to an IT department, you can host…
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1 answer

How to change 'Maximum upload size exceeded' restriction in Shiny and save user file inputs?

I've recently learned that R Shiny programs impose a maximum size restriction for file uploads by default (I don't know what the size is exactly, but I'm guessing it's 5,000 KB). I'd like to remove this restriction. How can I do so, and what is…
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6 answers

How to listen for more than one event expression within a Shiny eventReactive handler

I want two different events to trigger an update of the data being used by various plots / outputs in my app. One is a button being clicked (input$spec_button) and the other is a point on a dot being clicked ($click). Basically, I…
Hillary Sanders
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4 answers

Save plots made in a shiny app

I'm trying to figure out how to use downloadButton to save a plot with shiny. The example in the package demonstrates downloadButton/downloadHandler to save a .csv. I'm going to make a reproducible example based on that. For…
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5 answers

Shiny: what is the difference between observeEvent and eventReactive?

I read the Shiny documentation about reactive programming a few times now, but I can't properly understand the difference between observeEvent and eventReactive. The documentation says: Use observeEvent whenever you want to perform an action in…
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3 answers

R shiny passing reactive to selectInput choices

In a shiny app (by RStudio), on the server side, I have a reactive that returns a list of variables by parsing the content of a textInput. The list of variables is then used in selectInput and/or updateSelectInput. I can't make it work. Any…
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8 answers

shiny 4 small textInput boxes side-by-side

I've got a shiny server version 0.4.0 and I want to have 4 small textInput boxes to look like this: x-min x-max y-min y-max [...] [...] [...] [...] They now look like this: x-min [...................] x-max [...................] y-min…
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2 answers

R Shiny: reactiveValues vs reactive

This question is related to this one. The two can generate the same functionality, but implementation is slightly different. One significant difference is that a reactiveValue is a container that can have several values, like input$. In shiny…
Eduardo Bergel
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2 answers

Advantages of reactive vs. observe vs. observeEvent

I've reading everything I can about shiny reactive programming. I'm a bit confused. The following all work but what is the preferred method and why? Obviously the example below is simple but will I run into trouble when creating a larger…
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3 answers

Outputting multiple lines of text with renderText() in R shiny

I want to output multiple lines of text using one renderText() command. However, this does not seem possible. For example, from the shiny tutorial we have truncated code in server.R: shinyServer( function(input, output) { output$text1 <-…
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4 answers

R + Shiny which hammer? straight Shiny, flexdashboard or shinydashboard?

At the risk of getting hit with a mods "too broad a question" hammer, I want to ask given the plethora of interactive R Shiny tools and packages emerging, when do you use which one? Shiny - to me only downside your project needs to run from shiny…
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4 answers

How to organize large Shiny apps?

What are the best practices to organize larger Shiny applications? I think best R practices are also applicable to Shiny. Best R practices are discussed here: How to organize large R programs Link to Google's R Style Guide: Style Guide But what are…
Mikael Jumppanen
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2 answers

Scale and size of plot in RStudio shiny

Related, but only talks about the allocated plot space in general, not how to directly set the plot image size and then scale it to fill the desired space Shiny Chart Space Allocation I'm creating a shiny web app and would like to set the size of…
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3 answers

Create dynamic number of input elements with R/Shiny

I'm writing a Shiny app for visualizing insurance benefit plans at my company. Here is what I'd like to happen: I'll have a selectInput or sliderInput where the user will choose the number of individuals on their medical plan A matching number of…
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2 answers

tooltip on shiny R?

I want to have a tool-tip in my Shiny R application. Is there any easy way to achieve that? For now, I am creating a density map and I want a simple tool-tip showing "click here to slide through years" while hovering the mouse over slider YEAR.…
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