Questions tagged [uiactivityindicatorview]

On iOS, you can use an activity indicator to show that a task is in progress. An activity indicator appears as a “gear” that is either spinning or stopped. You control when an activity indicator animates by calling the startAnimating and stopAnimating methods. To automatically hide the activity indicator when animation stops, set the hidesWhenStopped property to YES.

Use an activity indicator to show that a task is in progress. An activity indicator appears as a “gear” that is either spinning or stopped.

You control when an activity indicator animates by calling the startAnimating and stopAnimating methods. To automatically hide the activity indicator when animation stops, set the hidesWhenStopped property to YES.

Starting in iOS 5.0, you can set the color of the activity indicator by using the color property.

976 questions
9 answers

Can I change the size of UIActivityIndicator?

Whatever size i give to it while allocation, it shows fixed size only. Is it possible to increase it? Code: activityIndicator = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake(142.00, 212.00, 80.0, 80.0)]; [[self…
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5 answers

Is it possible to change an UIActivityIndicatorView color to black in iOS?

I want to change an activity indicator color gray/white to black. Is it possible to change the color to black? If yes, please guide me or give some sample code.
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3 answers

Custom color my UIActivityIndicatorView

I would like to have my UIActivityIndicatorView be colored a custom color. Is there any way to set this property?
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10 answers

Dismiss UIAlertView after 5 Seconds Swift

I've created a UIAlertView that contains a UIActivityIndicator. Everything works great, but I'd also like the UIAlertView to disappear after 5 seconds. How can I Dismiss my UIAlertView after 5 seconds? var alert: UIAlertView = UIAlertView(title:…
Serge Pedroza
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5 answers

How to set an UIActivityIndicatorView when loading a UITableViewCell

I have two UITableViewControllers, A and B. When I tap one cell in table A, I will use UINavigationController to push table view controller B. But the data of B is downloaded from Internet, which takes several seconds. So I want to add a…
Wu Linsen
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12 answers

How to show activity indicator while tableView loads?

When I switch between my tabs it loads some seconds and I want to know that my data is loading. For that I decided to add an activity indicator. I wrote a little function: func showActivityIndicator() { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue())…
Orkhan Alizade
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8 answers

Is there an ActivityIndicator in WatchKit for Apple Watch?

Is there an ActivityIndicator (or something like it) in WatchKit for Apple Watch? How do you all give the user feedback about some longer lasting background activity?
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2 answers

UIActivityIndicatorView stops animating in UITableViewCell

I have one table view and in that table view i have one UIActivityIndicator with one button in every cell . Now on click on that button i want to start ActivityIndicator animating, its starting. But the problem is when i scroll the table view it…
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6 answers

Add UIActivityIndicatorView into UIBarButton

How do I add a UIActivityIndicatorView spinner circle into a UIBarButton, so that when a user taps on one of those buttons on the navigation bar, they see a spinner while the loading takes place?
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18 answers

Show activity indicator in SDWebImage

I'm using SDWebView image and i want to show an Activity Indicator as placeholder, while fetching the image from remote. I tried Malek's answer here How to show an activity indicator in SDWebImage, but it seems that UIImage *cachedImage = [manager…
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4 answers

Disable all Input while UIActivityIndicatorView spinning

How can I disable all Input while the UIActivityIndicatorView is spinning? Thanks
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3 answers

UIActivityViewController Gmail Share subject and body going empty?

Im using UIActivityViewController to show share. In the list when i select Mail app the subject and body is set properly and where as in Gmail app its empty. - (void)shareAVideoWithSubject:(NSString*)subject Link:(NSString *)string…
Ankit Jain
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3 answers

Displaying activity indicator on WKWebView using swift

I am working on the following code and trying to show an activity indicator in the view whilst the page is loading.. I tried to implement the WKNavigationDelegate methods but I am failing as nothing shows. Any suggestions on how to fix this? I am…
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13 answers

How to display activity indicator in center of UIAlertController?

I currently have a UIAlertController being displayed on the screen. The view of the alert should only display 2 elements, a title and a UIActivityIndicatorView in the center of the alert. Below is the function that displays the alert and its…
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7 answers

How to show an activity indicator in SDWebImage

Currently i am integrating SDWebImage in my project by following below things 1)#import "UIButton+WebCache.h" 2)[button setImageWithURL:url placeholderImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"no_photo.png"]]; So it will show the list of image present in URL …
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