Questions tagged [trusted-web-activity]

Trusted Web Activities are a new way to integrate your web-app content such as your PWA with your Android app using a protocol based on Custom Tabs.

130 questions
6 answers

Trusted Web Activity - Address bar not hide (Chrome for Android 72)

I've followed this guide to learn how to use a Trusted Web Activity. All fine but the address bar still appear. At begin I think it was because when the app was looking for assetlinks.json the response was 404. Fixed it but no luck on removing the…
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1 answer

How to hide 'Running in Chrome' toast on TWA application on Android devices?

Few days ago I released an application meeting TWA requirements in PlayStore. Application behaves like a native app, URL bar is of course hidden. The problem is that application displays native toast 'Running in Chrome' when application is fired for…
Kamil Murawski
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3 answers

How to send data from my TWA webapp to my app?

With Crosswalk I had a very convenient javascript-to-app interface so I could call a java function from javascript and share data from my webapp to my android app. How can I achieve this with Custom Tabs (or Trusted Web Activity) ? There seems to be…
2 answers

How can I detect if my website is opened inside a Trusted Web Actvity?

I'm opening my page inside a Trusted Web Activity and I want to detect when it's being opened inside it to customize behaviour and for analytics purposes. How can I detect that the page is being opened from the TWA?
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PWA with TWA: How to force Chrome instead of default browser

I have built a PWA with TWA & generated APK following the official Google guide here - What's happening is that when a different browser apart from Chrome is set as default, the behaviour…
2 answers

i have followed all the steps of trusted web activity but still address bar is visible using chrome to get webview in trusted web activity?

This is the screeenshot of our android app but when it opens the address bar is visible as shown how to hide that url(address bar) using trusted web activity? screenshot here we have also used Chrome Dev as our default browser but it is not wroking…
3 answers

How to create Progressive web app apk/any type of file that can be distributed in a enterprise devices

Understandably, PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) are added to home screen after the user visits the web app in a supported browser and clicks on "Add to Home Screen". This works fine for publicly available PWAs. Thinking of Enterprise Android…
3 answers

Cannot understand how to open a simple TWA inside an app (using AndroidX)

I am trying to open a TWA inside my app and have researched for 2 days. I've already managed to create a single TWA app, no fuss, just edit the manifest and a few things more. Now I need to have my own app - let's say the app has a splash screen…
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TWA - Digital Asset Link OK but address bar still visible

I developed a Progressive Web App and I want to publish it in the Play Store as a Trusted Web Activity. It's Following this guide I downloaded the example from…
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How to open WebView or separate Chrome activity from Custom Tabs

I'm currently building an Android app as a TWA following guidelines from Google's sample TWA project and have stumbled into an issue when trying to open external links from within the TWA. From within my TWA, when opening an external link (such as…
3 answers

How to use push notification for trusted web activity

I have successfully created an apk for my webesite using TWA with this tutorial. But I don't know How should I add push notification for my apk. there are two methods: 1. Web-push 2-android…
1 answer

How can I get my Android app to always open in Chrome or another browser that supports TWA?

I have a very basic Android app generated from That app was actually modeled very closely off an example published by Google which I cannot find anymore. The problem is that if you set the default browser on the…
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How to implement in-app purchase to disable ads in TWA

I would like to add advertisements (Interstitial from admob) to my trusted-web-activity and the possibility to disable ads by buying an in-app 'Remove ads' product. The ad-screen should for example be opened each time a user wants to add a new…
1 answer

Google Sign In doesn't work with Trusted Web Activity (TWA) release apk but works in debug apk

I am using Trusted Web Activities(TWA) for the Android app. My app uses Google Sign In for Authentication (Firebase). In debug mode, it works as it should. But when I install the release apk and try to Sign In, authentication fails and the app…
2 answers

Cannot hide URL bar in TWA/PWA app in Android

I'm attempting to get my PWA app working using the Google TWA guide here: I've followed the guide completely from start to finish multiple times, but can't seem to get it to hide the URL…
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