Questions tagged [deep-linking]

In the World Wide Web, deep linking is the usage of a hyperlink that is expressed as an absolute URL (i.e., vs. a relative one (i.e. /path/page). Deep links to other web sites can be desired or not by the site the link points to.

In the World Wide Web, deep linking is the usage of a hyperlink that is expressed as an absolute URL (i.e., vs. a relative one (i.e. /path/page). Deep links to other websites can be desired or not by the site the link points to.

2659 questions
14 answers

Launch an app from within another (iPhone)

Is it possible to launch any arbitrary iPhone application from within another app?, For example in my application if I want the user to push a button and launch right into the Phone app (close the current app, open the Phone app). would this be…
8 answers

Android deep link does not work if the app is opened by deep link already

Deep link does not work if the app is opened by deep link already. However, if I open the app not by triggering a deeplink, like clicking the app icon to open the app. Then triggering deeplink afterward would always work. Here come the details: So…
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4 answers

Android Deep linking: Use the same link for the app and the play store

I have a website which enables the user to make a search query. The query might take some time to complete (minutes to days), and I would like to enable the user to download an Android app and receive the answer there, by sending an email with a…
Adam Matan
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4 answers

What are all the custom URL schemes supported by the Facebook iPhone app?

Note These URL's are likely not available. Facebook has been updated a number of times and did not officially support any of these. /Note I am trying to see what information is available about the Facebook app on the iPhone. So far I have found…
12 answers

I am trying to test android deep link urls through adb to launch my app

When I type the command in adb: ./adb shell am start -W -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "example:gizmos" com.myapp I get this error: Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=example://gizmos pkg=com.myapp } Error: Activity not…
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12 answers

Deep-linking intent does not work

I followed the insttructions on, but when I want to trigger the intent through adb with: adb shell am start -W -a android.intent.action.BROWSEABLE -d…
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9 answers

Deep linking and multiple app instances

I have implemented deep linking in my app. I added this intent filter in my manifest file, and the deep linking is working.
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4 answers

Deferred Deep Linking in iOS

We're trying to implement deferred deep linking in one of our iOS applications to encourage users to invite their friends to use the app, and reward users based on how many installs occur from their referral link. Basically similar to TapStream's…
Kiran Panesar
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4 answers

Android Deep Linking with multiple query parameters

I'm trying to deep link my app and have implemented the following in my AndroidManifest.xml to open the proper activity.
Varun Ramani
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4 answers

Universal links on iOS vs. deep links (URL schemes)

As I'm reading, iOS 9 introduced Universal Links. In the "Support Universal Links" section in Apple's App Search Programming Guide, it says that this is not exactly like deep linking with URL schemes, but I'm not totally clear about this…
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1 answer

iOS system hangs before opening App Store URL

I have a HTML page with a Download app button. When clicked by an iOS user, it redirect the users to the App Store via itms-services. The link I used here is: window.location.replace("itms-apps://"); It looks like…
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3 answers

How to extract Sha256 Cert Fingerprint for

I am trying to integrate deep linking with But in order to do this. I need to extract the SHA256 Cert Fingerprints to put them in my dashboard. How Do I do this? what is my certificate? They have too little data on how this is…
rosu alin
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1 answer

Mobile Safari Page unload/hide/blur for Deep Linking

I am looking for an event on mobile safari that will detect when the page has been hidden due to a redirect. I want to open my app directly if a user has it installed, then attempt facebook if it is installed, and if not then go to the webpage for…
Corey Hart
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7 answers

Deeplinking mobile browsers to native app - Issues with Chrome when app isn't installed

I have a webpage, lets call it entry.html. When a user enters this page, a javascript code (see below) is attempting to deep-link the user to the native iOS / Android app. If the deep-link fails (probably if the app isn't installed on device), user…
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2 answers

Firebase Dynamic Link doesn't work when installing app from appstore for the first time

I'm using Firebase Dynamic Link to share my app (>=IOS 9) and invite people to events (I mean if you have the app you can join the event with the DeepLink and if you don't have it, I'll be sending you to the appstore to download the app before…
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