Questions tagged [web-push]

The Web Push API lets users of your Web app receive push notifications at any time—even in the background; that is, even when your Web app is not currently running in the foreground on the user’s device (or even when the browser on the user’s device is not currently running). It use Service Workers to handle messages sent using common push services, and to allow your Web app to react to the push notifications it receives.

For more information about the Web Push API, see the actual Push API spec and the articles Using the Push API and Push Notifications on the Open Web. The MDN article Using Service Workers is also relevant.

The IETF standards that describe the Web Push protocol and its message encryption scheme are really useful to understand how to build an application server that sends push notifications to clients and how to encrypt push message payloads.

560 questions
9 answers

How to send push notification to web browser?

I have been reading for past few hours about Push Notification API and Web Notification API. I also discovered that Google & Apple gives push notification service for free via GCM and APNS respectively. I am trying to understand if we can implement…
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7 answers

Push notification facility for mobile web app

I have a simple scenario, to receive notification on mobile devices whenever it's generated from Server. I know this facility is available in native iOS app and Android but I am trying to avoid native path. What I would like that: A mobile web app…
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6 answers

Chrome Push Notification: This site has been updated in the background

While implementing the chrome push notification, we were fetching the latest change from our server. While doing so, the service-worker is showing an extra notification with the message This site has been updated in the background Already tried…
1 answer

Asp Net Core Web Push Notifications

Main goal is to add to site ability to send web notification to pop up a system notification to alert the user using Html5 Push API and service workers. Not using SignalR which only can run client scripts while site is opened. Also should be ability…
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2 answers

What is the difference between Push API and Server Sent Events?

From the documentation I could figure out that Push API and Server Sent Events both are half duplex but why two different technologies for the same functionality? Is there something more significant in Push API?
Rishul Matta
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2 answers

Service Worker Registration Failed

I am currently working on service worker to handle push notification in browser. Currently I am having this "SW registration failed error": SW registration failed with error SecurityError: Failed to register a ServiceWorker: The URL protocol of the…
Saugat Bhattarai
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4 answers

Open a custom url when clicking on a web push notification

I am implementing the Webpush ruby gem to send push notifications to users of my website. Server code: Webpush.payload_send({ message: notification.message, url: notification.url, # I can't figure out how to access this key id:…
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2 answers

What is VAPID and why is it useful?

I've just learned about VAPID recently and have been looking around for the reasoning why it exists and what its purpose is. Mozilla's blog post explains that "including VAPID information will let us contact you if we see a problem", but I'm not…
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2 answers

How can I do push notifications in an HTML5 Web application?

I have a web application. I want to use the HTML 5 inbuilt notifications API to do push notifications from the server when the user is on a particular page. Is it possible?
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2 answers

Minimal example of Push in Vaadin 7 app ("@Push")

I want to see the most minimal example of using the new Push technology in Vaadin 7, such as the new @Push annotation. I am having problems getting server-push to work in my app. I would like to try a simple example app before trying to fix my own…
Basil Bourque
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1 answer

Understanding How to Store Web Push Endpoints

I'm trying to get started implementing Web Push in one of my apps. In the examples I have found, the client's endpoint URL is generally stored in memory with a comment saying something like: In production you would store this in your…
Dominic P
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2 answers

Make Web push notification work using webview in a native android app?

I have a website which is responsive and push notification feature enabled. In my native android app, if i load my website in a WebView, then the pop up which usually comes in chrome/firefox to ask if user wants to allow push notification or not,…
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2 answers

Web Push Notification: How to use Web Push PHP Library?

I Want to add Web Notification to my website. I searched on Google and found some tutorials about it. As described in these tutorials I manage to show subscription box to the visitors and I can store their data also. Main.js 'use strict'; const…
Rocky Sena
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3 answers

Web Push API Chrome, returning "Unauthorized Registration"

I've been doing a google tutorial on how to send web push notifications on Chrome using web-push node module. The thing is, the tutorial also provides a companion server app that you are supposed to use in order to test sending push notifications…
2 answers

Gradle build configured signatory

I'm looking at the webpush-java code. I run into a problem attempting to build the project using gradle. (I'm a gradle newbie). :signArchives FAILED FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. What went wrong: Execution failed for task…
Daniel Freeman
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