Questions tagged [triples]

A triple is an assertion of the form subject-predicate-object, for example [JohnSmith-brotherOf-JaneSmith], and [JaneSmith-hasAge-"34"]. Assertions (binary relations) of this type form the basis of the Semantic Web languages RDF and OWL. Triples can be interlinked if the object of one triple is the subject of another. Databases designed to manage such assertions are often called triplestores.

More Information

List of subject-predicate-object databases

123 questions
2 answers

What does "reify" and "reification" mean in relation to RDF?

I do think I understand the meaning of these words in programming languages, but it is not clear in regards to RDF and triples. Is there an example that will help me to understand? Thank you
Eli Schneider
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Writing RDF/XML file from rdf Triples in rdflib

I have got rdf triples with me, now I am interested in generating RDF/XML file using rdflib in Python. Could you please give me some sample code to start. Thanks
Muhammad Imran
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3 answers

RDF, Triples, and Semantic Web in everyday apps

Vague, uninformed questions: 1: Why do nearly 100% of app developers, app development communities and literature (books, tutorials, etc) take for-granted that you want to express data using either a relational database or a key-value store? 2: Why…
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Access the property of a property

I have the following query, that I ran on the wikidata query service web interface: SELECT ?objectLabel ?mass WHERE { ?object wdt:P397 wd:Q525. # the object should have the sun as parent astronomical body ?object wdt:P31 ?status. ?object…
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1 answer

How can generalized RDF triples easier show "the completeness of the RDFS entailment rules", and what does that even mean?

The W3C Recommendation RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax defines what a generalized RDF triple is (i.e., a non-standard triple where each of subject/predicate/object can be a IRI/bnode/literal). About its possible use, it gives this example: It…
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MarkLogic triple objects language

I'm in a tricky situation and I can't seem to find any information in the MarkLogic documentation about it. The problem I'm having is that I am using triples from different sources and they are using different ways of describing string objects…
John Smith
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2 answers

Explanation for reification in RDF

I am have understand the basics of reification in RDF. Two clearly explanations are given here: explanation 1 and explanation 2. If you observe carefully, actually we can present in the sentence "Earth is round" RDF triple where as "Scientist…
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Triples in Java

Possible Duplicate: Does Java need tuples? Does Java support triples or at least pairs? Does Java support tuples? I am trying to find a way to make a list so that it has a triple with initial point as first, terminal point at last, and distance…
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Deleting/Updating BiTemporal Triples in MarkLogic 8

With the introduction of new BiTemporal features in MarkLogic8, you can track changes in two time axes: valid and system times. These features are also supported for triples. So you can go back in time along those two axes and possibly see the…
2 answers

is this a valid xsd:dateTime? if so, why?

I'm looking through some of the triples contained within the Freebase data dump, and some of the date times look like this: "T12:00"^^ Which is ingestible by some triplestores, but not by others. So, is…
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RDF triples to a table

I have a triple store with RDF triples and I want to export the data to a table where columns represent the predicates. For example, if I have the following triples :s1 :p1 "v11" :s1 :p2 "v12" :s2 :p2 "v22" :s2 :p3 "v23" I want it to be as…
Mostafa abdo
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MarkLogic 8 - What is the Preferred Way to Triplify Data

Say I have a table from a relational database. What is the preferred method for mapping these into triples/RDF in MarkLogic 8? So instead of: 1 Sam Smith .... I end up…
Tutan Ramen
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1 answer

SPARQL query which triggers Stardog rules

I'm trying out a custom Stardog rule. The custom rule basically looks like the following: @prefix rule: . [] a rule:SPARQLRule ; rule:content """ PREFIX : IF { ?x a :Person; :has_yob ?yob. …
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What is the difference owl:oneof and onto:oneof support in owlim?

this is the builtin_owl2-rl.pie line 361 // Part 1 of cls_oo Id: cls_oo_1 c x ------------------ c x [Context ] // Part 2 of cls_oo Id: cls_oo_2 c
isaac Lee
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