Questions tagged [triples]

A triple is an assertion of the form subject-predicate-object, for example [JohnSmith-brotherOf-JaneSmith], and [JaneSmith-hasAge-"34"]. Assertions (binary relations) of this type form the basis of the Semantic Web languages RDF and OWL. Triples can be interlinked if the object of one triple is the subject of another. Databases designed to manage such assertions are often called triplestores.

More Information

List of subject-predicate-object databases

123 questions
1 answer

SPARQL DELETE query Error: EOF while parsing

I'm trying to delete some triples using this query: deleteQuery = """DELETE { ?a ?b ?c } WHERE { mynamespace:List mynamespace:Item ?c. ?a ?b ?c }""" My namespace is already defined, so that's not an issue. I'm not sure if I am using the correct…
2 answers

Relational Database to Triple Store

I am trying to write a java program to transform the information from a MySQL table into triples, so I can later import them into a triple store. Is it possible to do so without creating an auxilliary RDF/XML file? How?
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1 answer

SVC-CODEPOINT error loading triples to MarkLogic

When trying to load an ntriples file with about 7M triples in it, I get the following error from the REST-API: {"errorResponse":{"statusCode":500, "status":"Internal Server Error", "messageCode":"INTERNAL ERROR", "message":"SVC-CODEPOINT:…
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2 answers

Translating a complex Sentence into set of SPO triple (RDF) (maybe with reification)

Having just started out in RDF and ontology, mainly in converting unstructured text to RDF (maybe manually), I found many examples for converting simple sentences to RDF triples 1 2 3, but not much about complex sentences (using adjectives or…
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9 answers

JavaScript for-loop question

Is it possible for a for-loop to repeat a number 3 times? For instance, for (i=0;i<=5;i++) creates this: 1,2,3,4,5. I want to create a loop that does this: 1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5 Is that possible?
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