Questions tagged [triples]

A triple is an assertion of the form subject-predicate-object, for example [JohnSmith-brotherOf-JaneSmith], and [JaneSmith-hasAge-"34"]. Assertions (binary relations) of this type form the basis of the Semantic Web languages RDF and OWL. Triples can be interlinked if the object of one triple is the subject of another. Databases designed to manage such assertions are often called triplestores.

More Information

List of subject-predicate-object databases

123 questions
1 answer

SPARQL: Return subjects w/ more than one specific type of object

Thanks in advance. I have an issue where merging some work produces two guids for a single subject in my triplestore. I need a way to isolate all of those instances so that I can normalize those guids. I'm new to SPARQL. I've tried returning…
1 answer

How to construct triples manually in Marklogic

I have been trying to insert triples in Marklogic using this query xquery version "1.0-ml"; import module namespace sem = "" at "/MarkLogic/semantics.xqy"; declare variable $TRIPLE as xs:string external ; declare…
Ankita Bhowmik
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1 answer

What's wrong witht this joint sparql query which gives missed results

I have 2 sparql queries but they don't returns correct results (triples) First one return correct result but some triples are missed the second one returns all correct triples but not in the right format, in fact i don't want to display…
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