Questions tagged [graphdb]

Ontotext GraphDB is a semantic triplestore: a database for RDF and OWL data. Use this tag for questions specifically about the Ontotext GraphDB product. For questions that are about graph databases in general (or about other graph database products), use the [graph-databases] tag instead.

In essence, GraphDB™ is a “semantic repository” using ontologies that allow the repository to automatically reason about the data. It works with a flexible and generic physical graph data model allowing for easy interpretation and adoption of new ontologies or metadata on-the-fly. GraphDB™ is packaged as a storage and inference layer (SAIL) for Sesame. Sesame is one of the most popular semantic repositories that supports RDF(S) and all the major syntaxes and query languages related to it. GraphDB is fully SPARQL 1.1 compliant. You can read more about GraphDB™ here. The full documentation can be found here.

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377 questions
1 answer

NetworkX vs GraphDB: do they serve similar purposes? When to use one or the other and when to use them together?

I am trying to understand if I should use a GraphDB for my project. I am mapping a computer network and I use NetworkX. The relationships are physical or logical adjacency (L2 and L3) . In the current incarnation my program scans the network and…
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2 answers

Writing to Ontotext GraphDB using Jena

I am trying to use Jena to write to a local free standalone GraphDB (version 8.5.0) repository. What I have tried (1) Direct use from Jena I used this Jena 3.7.0 code snippet: String strInsert = "INSERT DATA {" +…
Henriette Harmse
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Most efficient way to clear a named graph?

I am working with an instance of Ontotext GraphDB and often want to clear a named graph with a large number of triples. Currently, my technique involves issuing a SPARQL command to the graph server, which searches and matches a triple pattern of…
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Can't get INSERT to work in SPARQLWrapper

I've been trying to get SPARQLWrapper to insert a simple triple into GraphDB with no success. I have no trouble with select queries. Here's Python test code that fails: db = sparqlw.SPARQLWrapper(endpoint) query = ''' INSERT…
1 answer

OWL-?? to OWL-RL for GraphDB (OWLIM)

I am trying to use GraphDB-SE triplestore to store Einstein Riddle and use ruleset to infer the answers. GraphDB has build in support for OWL2-RL and OWL2-QL. According to OWL 2 RL supports all axioms of OWL 2 apart from disjoint unions of …
1 answer

Aligning two ontologies with an "adapter"

Simplifying a little, I have a domain ontology (D) expressed in OWL, which describes devices, their capabilities, configurations. Also, for each vendor I would like to have vendor-specific ontology (V), which would be connected to the domain one.…
Roman Susi
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0 answers

SPARQL Query to create a merged graph from different graphs based on property value comparisons

I have three graph data models with nodes representing the same physical entity in different ways in the three graphs. Graph G1 where Pump P1 is of type CentrifugalPumpType Graph G2 where Pump P2 is of type PADIMType Graph G3 where Pump P3 is of…
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1 answer

geoSPARQL distance produces empty results

I try using the distance geoSPARQL function in graphDB and I don't get any result. Here's a test : PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX wgs84_pos:…
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How group patterns are evaluated/joined in SPARQL

I am wondering how group patterns are evaluated in SPARQL. My assumption was that each group pattern is evaluated separately, then solution bindings from groups are joined together. However, it seems not to be the case. Let's take this example…
Median Hilal
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1 answer

SPARQLWrapper QueryBadFormed error for long SELECT query

Is there a limit on the size of the query you can use with with a SELECT query? I have a long SELECT query (posted below) that keeps throwing a QueryBadFormed error. I have validated the query on and I have ran the query on the triple…
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1 answer

GraphDB OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

I'm using GraphDb Free 8.6.1 in research project, I'm running it with default configuration on linux server having 4GB memory in total. Currently, we execute quite many CRUD operations in tripplestore. GraphDB throwed exception in…
1 answer

owl:functionalProperty & owl:differentFrom

I'd be grateful for some help on what I'd assumed was a very simple scenario; but being a relative newcomer to OWL and GraphDB I may have made some basic error. I have a very simple Turtle-specified OWL example as follows: @prefix rdf:…
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Ontotext GraphDB process terminates

I have graphDB 8.0.2 running on an Ubuntu server. I run it with /var/lib/graphdb/bin/graphdb -Xmx1224M -Xms712M &. The graphdb process stops with no reason. I don't see any errors in the logs (see below). What could be the reason for this ? How can…
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1 answer

SPARQL Speed up federated query

I have my own dataset and I want to perform a federated query in SPARQL. Here is the query: PREFIX : PREFIX wd: PREFIX xsd: PREFIX p:…
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Text search in GraphDB web interface?

Is there a text search accessible through the GraphDB web interface, like there is for Blazegraph, Stardog, and Virtuoso faceted search? For example: I have gone through the Lucene connector and full-text exercises. I see how I can write a SPARQL…
Mark Miller
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