Questions tagged [tridion-content-delivery]

SDL Tridion Content Delivery (CD), including distribution, presentation, and storage APIs.

SDL Tridion separated content management from content delivery.

Stack Exchange Q&A site proposal: Tridion

Use this tag for questions that are related to SDL Tridion Content Delivery (CD), including:

  • Distribution
  • Presentation Server (ASP.NET or JSP)
  • APIs
  • Configuration (to an extent)

Consider joining the Area 51 Tridion proposal to help create a StackOverflow site dedicated to all types of SDL Tridion-related questions.

150 questions
4 answers

Tridion Component Link not resolving in Dynamic Component Presentation

I'm currently implementing functionality in Tridion 2009 SP1 where the user is able to utilise a filter which in turn queries the broker for matching criteria and then returns the Component Presentations to the page. Each item returned contains a…
Mike Percival
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1 answer

Applying more than one sort on a Tridion broker query

I have a broker query where I need to sort by 2 different fields (using JSP and 2011 SP1) The API has the method "addSorting" which I am applying. It appears, however, that the second addSorting call is overwriting the first addSorting call - rather…
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5 answers

Creating a list of keywords in the Content Delivery

Imagine I have a content type that has two fields of type category: one is a taxonomy Author and another one is a taxonomy Topics, these two taxonomies are unrelated, the only 'thing' they may have in common is the component itself. Now we go to the…
1 answer

Unable to get rendered content error in SDL Tridion

I would like to know the scenarios in which "Unable to get rendered content" error might occur in SDL Tridion. We use VBScript for templating and I get a few scenarios as listed below in my event logs. But I am not able to make head or tail of…
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2 answers

SchemaTitleCriteria yield no results in SDL Tridion Broker Query

I have a simple SDL Tridion 2011 SP1 Broker Query to retrieve a list of Component URIs. All of my Components are embedded on Pages, and not using Dynamic Component Templates. The following code returns 50 results (which is to be expected). One of…
Chris Summers
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1 answer

how to set publish dcp for child or other publications to different location without overiding all other settings

I am trying to configure cd_storage and getting issue in setting up dynamic component presentation as they get over written by child and published to same folder from every publication. I know we can define the publication level settings but once we…
1 answer

Issue in Dynamic Menus in Tridion 2011

We have an application which has menus generated dynamically through the publishing of a dynamic component presentation.A menu.xml is written out by a component template based on the Structure groups and this component template is triggered through…
2 answers

How to make WCF Dataservice to stop tracking Entity changes?

I have web app which invokes OData Webservice (DataServiceContext) via a proxy. The issue is the code even though makes a call to OData webservice every time, it always returns old data after changing content in the Content Management system (SDL…
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2 answers

Tridion OData Query with Datetime filter - error : datetime is not property of Entity

I am trying to query the OData using .net client to get the Last Published components within a specific DateTime. It is always failing with an exception 'datetime' is not property of entity: '' var lastPubComponents…
Ram G
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5 answers

Connection Issue When Dynamically Publishing to a Tridion Broker Database with an Instance Name (JDBC)?

The commit phase always fails with this error: Committing Deployment Failed Phase: Deployment Prepare Commit Phase failed, Unable to prepare transaction: tcm:0515104-66560, org.hibernate.exception.JDBCConnectionException: Cannot open…
2 answers

How can I insert over 3400 bytes of text into a field in the Tridion broker?

I have a schema with a lot of metadata fields. We want to be able to search for components based on that schema from the broker via the Tridion API like: using Tridion.ContentDelivery.DynamicContent.Query; private static Criteria getSearchCriteria( …
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6 answers

Tridion CWA 2011 Binaries Return 404 Until Refreshed

My client is having an issue after upgrading from CWA 1.5 to CWA 2011 running on WebSphere. The issue is that any binary resources requested return a 404. When the request is resubmitted (i.e. the page is refreshed/reloaded), then they load. I…
2 answers

UGC post content

I'm just trying to run a little prototype that posts UGC comments using the UGC web service. The code example is below. I'm getting a 403 response from the web service which indicates I'm not authorised to use the service so I presume I need to…
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5 answers

How should I use keyword metadata?

In addition to a name, key, value, and relationships to other keywords, a keyword itself can have metadata. This allows the author to add additional information by selecting a metadata schema to then add whatever: text selections (text with options…
Alvin Reyes
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2 answers

Configure the multimedia components to get published inside the website folder

Need to publish the JS and CSS files using multimedia components. The multimedia components gets published outside the website folder similar to the Images in “C:\tridion\temp\pub14\Includes\scripts” Any Idea How to Configure the multimedia…
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