Questions tagged [ugc]

User-generated content

User-generated content (UGC) covers a range of media content available in a range of modern communications technologies. It entered mainstream usage during 2005, having arisen in web publishing and new media content production circles. Its use for a wide range of applications, including problem processing, news, gossip and research, reflects the expansion of media production through new technologies that are accessible and affordable to the general public. All digital media technologies are included, such as question-answer databases, digital video, blogging, podcasting, forums, review-sites, social networking, mobile phone photography and wikis. In addition to these technologies, user-generated content may also employ a combination of open source, free software, and flexible licensing or related agreements to further reduce the barriers to collaboration, skill-building and discovery.

28 questions
4 answers

How can i write the greater than condition in UGC Conditional statement

I am using ugc conditional statement in my code, the equals condition is working fine, but how can be used other conditional operator like ">" "<" and "Not Equals". <% HttpContext.Current.Items["CommentCount"] = 0; %>
Priyank Gupta
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2 answers

UGC post content

I'm just trying to run a little prototype that posts UGC comments using the UGC web service. The code example is below. I'm getting a 403 response from the web service which indicates I'm not authorised to use the service so I presume I need to…
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UGC conditional statement is not working

I am using UGC feature of Tridion 2011. I have done almost but stuck in one place. actually, i have to display one text when user have entered comments, it will display if comments are greater then 0. i am using for this condition but it does not…
Priyank Gupta
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1 answer

Returning ItemStats from Tridion UGC

I was wondering if anyone can offer any pointers on this one. I'm trying to return ItemStats from the Tridion UGC web service but I'm getting the following error when trying to bind the results:- The closed type TridionWebUGC.CDS.ItemStat does not…
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Tridion CM reports "Couldn't retrieve data from 1 datasources"

When opening various popups in the Tridion Explorer, the message centre displays the message: Couldn't retrieve data from 1 datasources What does this mean, and how can I prevent it? Edit: Yes - everyone who said UGC was right. In fact, the…
Dominic Cronin
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Retrieve thumbnails for Linkedin Video Post (ugcPost API)

I try to retrieve a thumbnails for a Video Post with the ugcPost api without any success. I retrieve always an empty array for thumbnails. Regarding the doc Retrieve UGC Posts, like the sample response: "com.linkedin.ugc.ShareContent": { …
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How to post (not share) an Article via LinkedIn API v2 / UGC Post API

Use Case As an authorized LinkedIn user I want to post articles via the LinkedIn API So my external services can create content on behalf of me Description I want to post (not share) an article on LinkedIn via the LinkedIn API v2. So far, I have…
2 answers

UGC post video on LinkedIn to personal page

I want to share a video with the UGC post API : It works fine if I share a video to a company page. But it doesn't work with a personal page. I have this…
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3 answers

UGC user is coming back as Null

I'm using the UGC web service to return UGC content but I have an issue in that users are being returned as null. The users are being entered into the UGC database - I can see users in both the UGC_USERS table and the UGC_ITEMS tables but when it…
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1 answer

Using the Tridion UGC web service to add ratings

I know I can add comments through the UGC web service by using something like the following:- WebServiceClient ugcCall = new WebServiceClient(); string ugcData = "{ \"d\" :{\"Content\":\"" + comment + "\",\"Status\":2,\"ItemPublicationId\":\"" +…
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1 answer

UGC: Is this possible that the comments to be shared across publications that inherit from the parent publication?

In my scenario, all pages have been created in the "XXX" publication and this publication has 2 child publications “XX1” and “XX2”. In “XX1” publication, the users are able to comment the post on the page successfully. But when I see in comment…
Priyank Gupta
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1 answer

How can i find the moderated number of comments on the page/component

I am getting the number of comments value from the Item Statistics field's numberOfComments, But its return total number of comments. Could any one please help me, how can i find only moderated number of comments in UGC?
Priyank Gupta
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2 answers

In a system for moderating offensive user content, how do you decide on a threshold for automatic removal?

I'm writing a forum application and want to automatically moderate offensive posts using a flagging system similar to the one on StackOverflow in which users are given the ability to report problematic posts as falling into one of three…
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1 answer

Cleaning and Merging Inline CSS styles

I am trying to clean up user entered HTML code that has a lot of inline CSS especially spans with styles and I'm not sure where to start. Does anyone know of a way to merge the spans and the styling using JavaScript? I have found ways to convert…
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3 answers

Default UGC tbb code

Where we can find the default .net tbb code for user generated comments project. Also it would be great if someone can provide any other sample code. Thanks in advance.
vikas kumar
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