Questions tagged [tridion-content-delivery]

SDL Tridion Content Delivery (CD), including distribution, presentation, and storage APIs.

SDL Tridion separated content management from content delivery.

Stack Exchange Q&A site proposal: Tridion

Use this tag for questions that are related to SDL Tridion Content Delivery (CD), including:

  • Distribution
  • Presentation Server (ASP.NET or JSP)
  • APIs
  • Configuration (to an extent)

Consider joining the Area 51 Tridion proposal to help create a StackOverflow site dedicated to all types of SDL Tridion-related questions.

150 questions
4 answers

Tridion 2009 SP1: Broker how to get Binary Url?

I am trying to retrieve the Binary Url of a multimedia component's file that is published as a dynamic Component Presentation. I can see the Url in the Binaries table within the Broker database but I can't seem to get the binary url using either of…
Rob Stevenson-Leggett
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2 answers

Issue in synchronization contacts from multiple websites

We are facing problem with profilesync service of audience manager. We have the scenario, where we are doing subscription in 2 steps: We are taking user email address which is unique id and we save the record in tridion_submgmt and later profile…
2 answers

item '/system/config/_all.json' not found for Localization '94'

I have installed DXA 1.7 (.Net) on SDL Web 8.5. Now when requesting the homepage I get the following error: 2017-06-21 14:09:03,216 [28] WARN - HTML design is not published nor does file 'D:\Tridion\Sites\DXA\system\assets\version.json' exist on…
Gert de Heul
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1 answer

how to fetch componentPresentation from brokerdb?

I am new to SDL Tridion,just exploring content delivery. I used below code in the TBB of my pagetemplate <% ComponentPresentationFactory factory = new ComponentPresentationFactory("tcm:0-6- 1"); ComponentPresentation ps =…
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1 answer

OrCriteria taking forever to execute using Tridion content delivery api

I am converting a SQL query into broker API functionality. The query basically retrieves custom meta data based on key and value filters. The issue is when I am joining two criteria using or criteria the query.executequery takes forever and the…
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1 answer

Content mismatch during Tridion Page Resolving

We are facing a content mismatch issue during publishing multiple pages at a time. Let's take two pages (A & B) with xml content. When I publish both pages together, the content of page A is replaced with the content of Page B but Page B's content…
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2 answers

Alignment of page source is getting distorted after publishing

We are using Tridion 2011 SP1. After publishing the page source of the page is getting distorted. Javascript and other HTMl sections are coming on same line it seems that it is ignoring new line charater but if we copy paste page source to…
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1 answer

Getting could not locate named parameter from Hibernate Query in Tridion 2011

I have below method in my DAO class. public PublishAction findbyLatestPublishedDate(int tcmURI,int pubID) throws StorageException {"Entering Method: JPAPublishActionDAO.PublishAction.findbyLatestPublishedDate"); StringBuilder…
1 answer

How to store only PDF type of Binaries in my storage extension using Custom DAO in Tridion 2011

I have written custom DAO to Add/Update/Delete specific records for my Binaries in my persistence type of storage extension in Tridion 2011. Below is sample code where I am trying to use my custom DAO class/interface (PublishActionDAO and…
2 answers

How to write Component Undeploy and Binary Undeploy functionality of deployer extension in tridion 2011

I was just trying to write small deployer extension where if user publish/unpublish page/component/binary from the tridion, its records will go into specific table using storage extension. Storage extension part is already done!! Well I can easily…
1 answer

How to get primary key ID from table using Hibernate to update the table while unpublishing the Tridion page

I have succesfully able to populate the my storage extension table using my custom deployer, now I can see my records are going perfectly if user publish any page. Now I want to handle the Unpublishing part, so I have written the Custom page…
3 answers

Unable to see items in publishing queue

We are using Tridion 2011 SP1. We have a user who is having access to 2 publications, he can publish the pages from those publications, but when he check published items in publishing queue he can't see any item in publishing queue (though he…
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1 answer

Publish Content Broker DB in tridion

I am using SDL Tridion 2011 I want to know how to get the content published to Broker DB (SQL database) and binary assets (Images, Flash, CSS & JS) get published to filestream. We have looked and tried to modify cd_storage_conf.xml and found the…
Ajo Mathew
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1 answer

How to identify to which item type Transport Package belongs to

To feed the transport package to search engine(FAST) we want to know to which item type transport package belongs to. Eg. If I publish a Page, how can I identify from the Transport Package that this Transport Package belongs to a Page or a…
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2 answers

Why is the OData PageContent.Content field null? It has data in the Broker DB

I'm using a linq statement like the one below to return a page. The page returns, the content field is populated in the DB, but the Content is null in the OData response. Any ideas? var pages = (from p in cds.PageContents …
Mr Smith
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